Chapter 13- Lydia's Hurt

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An: this is back to the present, where it left off in the Halloween party.

~Stiles' pov~

"Why the hell would you do that??!!" I screamed at the person.
The person was wearing a mask, which looked like it was mocking me "You fucking coward! You can't even show your face!"

The person stood their with their venetian mask. What the fuck does this idiot think this is, a bloody masquerade?

"You are a fucking coward! Do you hear me, or can't you get that through your thick skull? Who the hell are you, thinking you can walk up hear and attack an innocent girl, all for what? If I were you, I wouldn't show my shitty face in public either. Coward!" The asshole continued to do nothing. Fucking idiot.

"Stiles, who do you think I am?" The coward slowly walks over to me.
"I am thinking of an all good for nothing, douche bag. Hold on, no wait. They went out of my mind because they're irrelevant."

The coward looked at me and laughed. "Yeah I would laugh too, because you're such a fucking joke. No could you do me a favour and get you and your clown self, back to into a circus."

I went down to pick up Lydia. The person took of their mask and I finally saw the fucking dick head behind the mask.

~Kira's pov~

I was dancing with my beautiful date. She was twirling, she looked like a goddess.

~ Allison's pov~

I was sitting with Scott, he and I were eating, watching people waltzing with their partners.

"Scott, what is your favourite food?" I asked him trying to lighten up the mood. Scott looked up from his phone, which he was expecting a text from Stiles; however there was no message.

"I would kill to have pizza right now."
"Same, let's get out of here. Their food isn't even good" I said and then shoved a last crisp into my mouth, and walked off with Scott.

~Lydia's pov~

I woke up in hospital. Déja vu. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the bright lighting of the room, I saw Stiles sitting in a chair beside me.

"Stiles, what happened? How did I get here?" he looked at me, his eyes brightened and he jumped up.

"Lydia! Oh, hmm, well... Hmm.. You got attacked in the lacrosse field... I found you and the person who attacked you was wearing a mask.. Kind of like a joker type of mask.. Anyway, I punched the coward, who could even show me their stupid face. I took you to the hospital. You have bruises and cuts." he says the last few sentences with anger and hatred.

I put my hand on his face to show him it's ok. He calms down and looks at me like he is suprised at my sudden reaction, I am also suprised, because I didn't know that I was going to do that.

"Stiles, thank you." he looked at me as if I just did something impossible.

"But I didn't tell you, who was behind the mask."

"Ok, who was the person behind the mask?" I asked him curiously.

An: Hello people, so who is your prediction?


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