Chapter 16- Who's Malia Dating?

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~Lydia's pov~

I went out shopping with the girls. It was Allison's idea, she said that she was going to make it hard for Stiles ignore me. Whatever that meant.

"So what shop should we go to?"
"I think we should start with forever 21 and then Victoria secret." Erica said. We all agreed and headed to the shop.

We all picked out clothes for each other. Allison picked up a horrible dress, "Lydia, I think this will suit you." she laughed. "no, thanks" I laughed.

Malia picked up the shortest dress ever "Kira, I think you should wear this" she laughed. We all started to laugh and Kira face went bright red.

We all brought outfits and went to Victoria secret and brought what we needed. We then headed to buy food.

"I'm bored, let's play a game of truth or dare." Erica said.
"girl, you like that game, don't you?" Cora said. "sure let's play."

"Starting from Lydia" "Oh my God." she laughed. "Lydia, truth or dare?" "hmm, dare" she smirked at me and said my fate. "I dare you to dress up, in the clothes we buy you, to school."
"Ugh fine, but what happens if I don't do dare?"
"you will do a worse dare." "Ok I will do it."

"Erica, truth or dare?" I asked her. "You got me, I pick dare."
"I dare you to call up that crush of your's and ask for a date."
"Don't worry Lydia, I will kill you later."

Erica picked up her phone, dial a contact and waited for the person to pick up.

"Oh hi Isaac, hmm, I was wondering, what we're you doing on Saturday?" she giggled slightly and then glared at us. "Ok, hmm, I'll see you then." she had a massive smile on her face.

"OK, I've done mine now." "Girl! you got a date!!"
"I know" she smiled and blushed and tried to drop the subject. "Since I picked Lydia, and Lydia picked me, who's next?"

"I'll go" Allison volunteered. She volunteered as tribute, hehe.. Ok brain focus. "And I pick dare."

"Allison, I dare you to prank call Scott, tell him that he will not see you tomorrow, because you are stuck at work, and if he asks you what job do you have, then you have to call in sick at work, but you have to act like you thought that you have called work, and you have to say that you will not be coming to work tomorrow."

Allison called Scott, when he picked up, we were already laughing.
"Hello?" Scott asked on the other line. "Hi Scott, you won't see me tomorrow."
"What do you mean?"
" I will be stuck at work and I can't go anywhere else."
" What is your job?" Allison gave us a bitch face and then said nothing for a second and cut the line and then redial him. "Hello, it's Jessica, I called in to tell you that I will not be able to attend work tomorrow because I am sick."

" Allison, your name is not Jessica. What the hell is going on? I am so confused."

We started hysterically laughing. "Scott, I'm sorry it's a prank call, they dared me to do it."
"Lydia, Erica and Kira?" "yep, and cora and Malia." Scott laughed "ok bye now, I'll talk to you later." "yeah see you then" Allison then cut the line and glared at us, because we were laughing our asses off.

"ok, who's next?" "Malia, truth or dare?"

"hmm, truth, I guess, since no one else picked it."

"Ok, since you picked truth, you have to answer three questions, truthful, obviously because it is truth. Also you can only skip one question, and when you do, you have to do a dare. So your first question is; what happened between you and Stiles?"

"He broke up with me, because he said that he was in love with somebody else and he only dated me because he thought he wasn't good enough for that person, he told me that he realised that he was holding me back and that was harsh for me. I told him that I cheated on him, and let's just say, things got a little bit ugly."

"Who do you think he was talk about?"

"You know I have no idea. At first, I thought he was talking about someone he used to know, but I'm no longer sure."

"And last, but not least, are you currently with anyone?"

Malia went silent for a second, then chuckled. She looked around and then answered. "yeah, I am"

"who??!?!" Allison, Cora, Erica and I asked. She drank her drink knowledgeablely and simply stated.

"That was three questions which I have answered. Don't you think that it is unfair if I answer another one."

"Come on Malia, we are friends, can't you just tell us, we won't tell anyone, we promise."

"Ok, but you must not tell anyone, ok?"

"We promise, Malia we're your best friends." Cora said, we all nodded our heads in agreement.

"Ok so I am dating Kira" she turned and smiled at Kira.

An: Ok the secret is out; Malia is dating Kira, what are your thoughts, tell me because I would love to know. I have planned this for ages and I am happy that you can all finally know 😊


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