Chapter 28 - Why Did You Do It?

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I am sorry to say this but lately I have been in exams so if I will update late that's why. I know that you probably noticed that the book is ending but there is still a few more chapters left, and I am grateful for you all so thank you.
- I

~Lydia's pov~

The door opened and I saw someone I didn't quite recognise. "Hello Parrish, you fucking dickhead." Stiles said with rage, if I were him I would be terrified.

Stiles charged into the house and smirked at Parrish. Parrish threw a punch at Stiles, which angered me and I almost went up to punch this idiot myself. Before I went to hit this Parrish guy, Stiles kicked him where it hurts making him grunt. Stiles kicked the asshole in the face making his nose bleed out onto the floor where he was now laying.

"Do you want to know what? At least when I write letters I put my name on it because I am not a cowardly little mess!" Stiles spat the words at him and then hit him with a baseball bat, which I didn't realise he took. "You know what, I'll at least give you a bit of credit; J is soo creative, I almost didn't recognise it as you." Stiles said full of sarcasm and rage.

"Really?" The guy, Parrish asked, I almost felt sympathy towards him, until I remembered everything he has done.

Stiles laughed at him in mockery,
"Oh my God, sorry you got me there! That was funny. Of course not, you moron, I guessed it was you! Who the fuck uses the first letter of their own name! Oh J? Now who the hell could that be? Maybe Bob or Jake? You are one stupid pathetic mess, you know that Jordan!" Stiles kicked him in the throat.

"Stiles, I am sorry! I am sorry!" Parrish surrendered, Stiles laughed at him and then grabbed him by his collar. "Before I kill you, I want you to answer a question; why did you kill my mother?" Parrish looked so confused for a second. "Don't give me that look like you don't know what you've done!!" Stiles spat at him.

"Okay! Okay! I was in a gang, I was a new member; and when you join the gang you have to prove your loyalty by doing stuff like graffiti or trash a building. So well your mum, Claudia, saw the guy who owns the gang, damaging a shop. Well long story cut short, he got angry and paranoid and told me to make sure that she doesn't tell anyone, so I threatened her, but the boss thought it wasn't enough so he told me I have to kill her or else he would kill me." He whimpered away from Stiles, but Stiles punched him in the throat.

"Stiles, you must understand that if I didn't do it he would have killed me!" he squealed on the floor, Stiles picked up his bat and went to swing and then hit him.

"You know what? You can tell my dad exactly what you told me. He would love to hear about how his friend and partner killed his wife, don't you think?" Stiles laughed and then picked up his phone.

"No no.. please don't, I am begging you." Stiles laughed and then called his dad. Before his dad picked up the phone Stiles murmured to Parrish telling him he is pathetic.

"Hi, dad." He smirked at Parrish. "Why, can't I just call you when I feel like without it being about anything?" Stiles began to paste around the room. "Well, actually since you are concerned, I am at our old family friend's house, Parrish. Did you know that he used to be in a gang and he killed mum? Oh I forgot to mention the part how he is a creepy obessessive freak."

Suddenly I could hear Stiles' dad on the other line screaming, "What the hell are you doing there son?! Get out of there! I am going there now!" The line cut off and Stiles locked his phone and put it back into his pocket.

There was a knock on the door shortly after I could hear Stiles' dad shouting from outside. "Parrish! Open up!!" Stiles picked up Parrish and threw him at the direction of the door.

Parrish opened the door and almost flopped off the wall when the Sheriff came bursting in. "Is he here?!" he yelled at Parrish. Parrish put his hands up in surrender "He's right there, I didn't do anything, I swear!" he whimpered. The Sheriff ran to Stiles to check if he was ok.

"Parrish is it true?" The Sheriff said in a calm voice turning to Parrish. "You need to listen to me, I need to explain." Parrish said quickly.

"You need to explain?! Parrish, did you or did you not murder my wife?!" he roared at him.

"Yes, but I need to tell you what happened!" Parrish protested.

"I trusted you! You were our friend, mine and Claudia's and you killed her!! After all these years mourning over her death, I had her murder right next to me! I didn't believe my own son, that day he told me it was you! I didn't believe him because I was scared to even think it was true! The thought of my own partner who was supposed to have my back at all times, murder my wife!! You know what that wasn't even the worse part, the worse part is that you made me believe that she died of dementia!" the Sheriff ranted this was the first time I have ever seen him so angry.

"Come one Lydia." Stiles whispered to me. I only just realised in that moment I was frozen still the entire time and I couldn't move. I shook my legs and followed Stiles back into the car.


Later that night, I couldn't get the events that happened out of my head. I laid down thinking about it all. Parrish killed Claudia Stilinski, Stiles' mum. I then thought about the night before, Jackson. I should tell Danny about the asshole he is dating. I picked up my phone up and called Danny. I waited for a while and Danny picked up.

"Hey?" he asked. "Hi, Danny there is something I need to tell you." I nervously said. "Yeah, what is it?" "Hmm, it's about Jackson."
"Let me guess, it is about how he is a creepy pervert?" "Hmm, yeah." Danny laughed which confused me.

"Allison told me about how he creeped on her at Greenberg's party. I dumbed his ass at the winter ball in front of everyone, weren't you there it was really funny." He explained "I left early." "Girl, you missed everything! It was hilarious! I will tell you about it all tomorrow, I need to go to sleep."

"Okay, goodnight." I hung up after he said bye, I went to bed preparing for school tomorrow, which I am not looking for to.

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