Chapter 17- What Is Happening To Stiles?

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An: Play the song when I say * play song*

~Lydia's pov~

Today I had to wear the clothes which Erica bought me. I was wearing a red dress and black knee high boots. This is a typical Erica Reyes outfit, I laughed to myself. But you still love it, don't you Lydia? Yeah I do. I smiled and looked in the mirror.

~Stiles' pov~

I arrived from the party Scott took me, to last night; still drunk and the letters still on my mind. I could stop thinking about it, even when I wasn't sober. The thoughts kept clouding my head: she didn't die from dementia, she didn't have dementia when she died. Something else killed her, maybe even someone else.

That's when I found the other letter which was also addressed to her. It was an angry letter, which could possibly be a threat of some sort. I just could get my head wrapped around who would write such a thing to her. I wondered why? Why would anyone want to hurt her.

My mother; Claudia Stilinski had been cured from dementia the day before she died. 'January 2nd' however that letter was sent to her on the day she died 'January 3rd' along with the angry letter.

I read the last letter again.

Claudia Stilinski,

This letter is a warning to let you know that, if you do not stop what you are doing, I will basically hold matters into my own hands. I will not tolerate this no more.

Ps: you really need to know, who your real friends are.

Yours faithfully,
-J '

This letter made the same constant thoughts flow through my head, who the fuck is J?

Then one name came into my mind. Of course, how could I ever forget?

I decided to go to this asshole.

~Malia's pov~

Yesterday I told my friends that I was dating Kira. The events went through my mind.

~~Flashback to yesterday~~

"Ok so I am dating kira" I turned and smiled at Kira, who was surprised for a second and then she returned the smile. "I am a lesbian."

"Can I ask you a question?" Cora asked. "Yeah, sure" "How long have you two been together?"

"hmm, we have been together, officially, ever since I broke up with Stiles. But I sort of cheated on him with her. I do regret no telling him and cheating on him, but I do not regret loving Kira at all." I hugged her.
They all smiled at me and Kira. "Why didn't you tell us?" Lydia asked with an excited tone to her voice.

I blushed and said " I don't know, I guess I was scared."

~~ End of flashback~~

I remembered the amount of support I received yesterday it made me feel comfortable and happy with myself.

I picked up my phone and dialed my love, Kira.

"Hi, I just called because i wanted to hear your voice"

~Stiles' pov~

*play song*

I got in my jeep and drove to the douche's house. I turned on my radio and blasted fall out boy alone together (😉) .

When I got there, I took my baseball bat out, from the back of the car and walk up to the door and violently knocked on the door, waiting for the asshole to open the door.

An: well we sort of found out what happened to Claudia 😢 what do you think?

Leave your comments because I love to read them 😊.

I'm not hungry cos I an eating whilst typing this lol.


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