Chapter 19- Is That Lydia Martin?

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~Lydia's pov~

I was slightly nervous for some reason. Just walk out of the car and get this over and done with.

I had makeup on and I also curled my hair. This is what happens when you pick dare.

(An: this is Lydia's outfit)

I stepped out of the car with my black heeled boots

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I stepped out of the car with my black heeled boots. You can do this Lydia. I haven't even walked in yet and there were already people staring at me.

I built up the confidence and walked towards the door, however before I walked in I came across Allison.

"Hey, Lydia! Oh my God, you look amazing! I forgot that you had to do your dare today. " she laughed.

She looked at me and then realised that I was constantly reaching for the door handle, however I never opened the door once.

"Lydia, you don't have to be nervous, out of all people you can do this, you are brave. And you look amazing. So let's get this over and done with, shall we? Together." she smiled at me and let her hand out for me.

I took her hand and smiled back. I am soo lucky to have such amazing, fantastic friends.

I reach for the door but this time I opened it and walked in. Every single person turned and stared at me. They all started to whisper at each other.

Uncomfort and anxiety rush throughout my bones

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Uncomfort and anxiety rush throughout my bones. I played with my necklace, which I still wear to this day. Then, I realised that it doesn't matter what they think of me I will own it.

I flipped my hair and walked off, towards my friends, with sass. Allison proudly followed with me.

I continued to walk to the our usual spot. Erica, Kira, Malia, Danny, cora and Boyd were there. "Yes you are wearing it!!" Erica celebrated.

"Oh holy shit! Erica, what have you done to our innocent Lydia??!" Danny cried. "Shut up, Danny, she looks hot!"
"Guys, I am right here" I laughed. Stiles walked into the room, I looked at his direction, he turned and looked at my direction. I quickly turned and pretended to just looking around.

Stiles looked at me for a second and turned around to Scott.
"Lydia, why are you with Mr lover over there?" Danny asked and pointed his head at Stiles' direction.
"I don't know, maybe because I didn't see him until now. And we weren't together since the day I was in the hospital."
"Well, girl, you are going to need to do something about that." Danny said and the others nodded and laughed with agreement.

The bell went off, meaning; we had to head off to registeration. "Well looks like I have to leave now, sorry guys I'll see you in first lesson." I saved myself using the bell as an accuse.

I rushed off to form, however I forgot I was wearing heels, so I didn't go as fast as I planned. Allison quickly caught up to me and reminded me that we both in the same registeration group.
"Lydia, I just wonder, why are you avoiding Stiles?" "I am not avoiding him" she gave me a look, which meant, don't lie to me.

" Fine, ok, basically, I want him to want me, if that makes any sense. So I thought that I will make him go crazy" "So you are playing hard to get?" "Why not?"

"Good for you, by the looks of you've got alot of guys attention." I looked around and saw alot of people looking at me. I felt weird because I wasn't use to all of the attention.

I walked into my registration room and sat down. I waited for the teacher to sign everyone in, once the teacher got to Stiles name, Stiles walked in on cue and said "here". "Why the hell are you late, again."
"I am not late. You are just simply early."

~Stiles' pov~

"How long have you known?" Scott asked me.
"I found out three days ago. I found a letter he sent to my mum. It was a threat, the asshole couldn't even put his name on it, he went by the name of 'J' for some reason."

"What the hell does he think he's from pretty little liars?" Scott said I gave a weird look. "What? My mum watches it all the time!" I looked at Scott for a second and laughed. "Ok, come on let's go."

We went out of the Jeep and walked inside of the school building, and into the cafeteria. Scott suddenly nudged me. "Is that, Lydia Martin?" he asked.

I turned to see what he was talking about and saw Lydia Martin; in a red dress with black heeled boots, curled hair and makeup on. She almost looked like another person.

"Oh my God." I turned and then I could have sworn, she looked at me. So I looked at her to see if it was my imagination, and turned out it was my imagination. Stiles, you really need to fix up, man. "Stiles?" I heard Scott call. "what?"

"You need to get to registeration. By the way, are you alright? you seemed to doze off." Scott concernly asked.

"Yeah, I guess... Never mind." I realised that I was late, but is don't care.

So I walked in with my name being called on the register. "Here". Here also comes the annoying question they always ask. "Why the hell are you late, again?" "I'm not late. You are just simply early." I said and sat down. "Stiles, get out!" "well, that's fine with me, it's not like I actually wanted to be here anyways." I walked out and slammed the door.

When I walked outside, I saw one person I didn't expect to see, the fucking asshole.
"What the fuck are you doing here?! Do you want me to kill you!!"

The asshole looked at me and smiled. "Don't fucking smile at me, do you really think I'm joking around?!"

I punched the dickhead in the face and then kicked him. "Anyway, how's your house and your car? And I wonder, how did you get here?"

An: soo what do you think? Do you like Lydia's outfit?

I want food.


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