Chapter 12- Flashback

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~~Flashback 4th grade~~

~Stiles' pov~

It was Lydia's birthday and I have gave her, her present. She gave me a kiss. "Stiles, could you help me, put this necklace on?"

"Yeah, sure." I took the necklace from her hand and put it around her neck. She smiled and celebrated. This girl got me starstruck.

She started to run around. I chased after her. She was happy and looked free. She suddenly stop running and paused looking confused.

"Stiles, come here and look at what I found but don't say anything to anyone, ok?"

I was confused and wanted to know, what it was that made her suddenly stop. I walked to her and looked.

It was an abandoned tree house. It looked like it has been lefted for approximately 4 to 5 years.

Lydia looked at me like she has came up with an idea, which will get us into trouble, that's if we don't die.

"Stiles, let's go in there!"

Before I could answer, she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the tree house.

"Let's explore! " she giggled excitedly. She ran up to the tree and climbed it.
She go up to the top and I started to climb up the tree.

"Stiles?" she said slightly scared.
I quickly got up to the top and went to protect her, from whatever it was that made her petrified.

I got to the top and saw Lydia looking at something. "Lydia? Are you ok? What is it?"

She remain still, staring at something. I went and looked at what it was, and I saw nothing.

She was still frozen. I walked closer to her.

She suddenly turns quickly and screams.

"Oh my God!!!"
She started to laugh. "I got you!" she chucked.

"Isn't this place great?! You can see everything! There's your house, just over there." she looked awestruck, looking at the world below us, the same way I look at her.

"Stiles, promise me that, this place will be a secret, only you and I will know about it. "

"I promise"

She smiled with satisfaction, and ran around looked at all the things, which were lefted along with the tree house.

She found a pocket watch. "Stiles, look at this." she handed me the pocket watch.
"This is ancient! Ancient but cool." she laughed.

"Lydia?? " we heard her mum calling.
"Oh, I forgot that it was my birthday party. Everyone's going to be looking me. Come on let's go."

We ran out of the tree house, and dashed to the house were everyone was waiting for her.
"Stiles, remember that it is a secret." she whispered, before opening the door and walking in back to the party.

~~Flashback 7th grade~~

~Lydia's pov~

I was back at school. I saw a boy with dark brown hair, wearing a plaid shirt. He turned around and I instantly recognised him.

It was Stiles Stilinski. It can't be I haven't seen him since 5th grade. What happened to him?

Stiles walked towards me. I should say hi to him. "Hi... "
He looked at me and smirked, and then walked off. What the fuck was that all about?

Stiles walked up to a blonde girl, and they wondered off, holding hands and snuggly up together, as if it was winter and they had no central heating. For God sake, it's california and it's also like 70 degrees outside.

Stiles and his girlfriend, whatever her name is went to a group of guys, which were probably his friends; in that group were Scott Mccall, Jackson Whitmore, and a group of other guys, who I don't really remember.

"Kira, who's that girl, with Stiles?"

"Oh that's Heather, she's his new girlfriend."

"Haven't you heard? They've been together since the beginning of summer. Rumour has it, that they've met on holiday." Danny told us the gossip.

"But my question is; when did the Stiles Stilinski I knew, turned like that?"

"Girl, you don't mind, you think he's hot"

"Ok, yeah I like him, whatever."

"Aww, poor Lyds is jelly."

"Ugh, stop it. "

~Stiles' pov~

I was back from the summer, and back to Beacon Hills. I walked down the halls of the school, I saw someone I thought I wouldn't see. Lydia Martin.

Well, what do you expect? she lives here and goes to school.

I walked passed her and saw that she saw me. Does she recognise me? Stiles, you have a girlfriend. I remembered Heather.

We met during two years ago in summer. She was a friend of Scott's. They apparently were family friends or whatever.

My mother thought she was a nice girl. She just wondered what happened to Lydia. I never told her, that we left her behind, when we moved for two years, away from Beacon Hills.

She got frontal-templeral dementia, and it started to get worse, up to a moment where she was confused and paranoid. She remembered Lydia.

I vowed to be different from what I was like before, in order to be strong and brave for my mother.

An: I'm sorry I didn't update last week, I was very busy, however I will go back and update regularly.


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