Chapter 20- A Letter For You.

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~Stiles' pov ~

After school, I did my detention and drove home. I walked up to my bedroom and fell on my bed. The house was silent; my dad wasn't home yet. I still couldn't believe that a family friend, and a friend of mine, killed my mother and kept it all a secret for all these years. 

I wondered around my room and found myself reading the same sickening letters, which were for my mum. Tears streaming down my face, but I could stop reading every single word.

I walked over to my parents room and went through my mother's old cabinet, and started to look for some old stuff. I found old jewellery, makeup and old letters. One of the letters were addressed to me; I picked up the letter and opened it. There was a picture of me when I was 8, smiling and hugging my mum, who was also smiling. I started to read the letter. 

Dear Stiles, 

To my lovely son,

I wrote this letter to tell you that I am proud of you; knowing that you will read this, when you have grown into the amazing young man, which I've known you'd become. I would like to tell you that you should go after what your heart wants. 

Ps: I am writing this to you because I will not be able to tell you this because I will be gone.

Love, your mother

I looked at the date which she wrote and it said 'January 3rd' the day she died, which meant she knew she was going to die. 

I have to know, what happened to her and how did she know she was going to die? One person came into my head, which I had to go and visit to help my find answers. 

~Lydia's pov~

Today was a very interesting day, I felt like I was the center of attention which was very weird and awkward for me. I laid down and reflected on the entire day, however my thoughts were disturbed by pebbles being thrown at my window. 

Who the fuck does that? This isn't a movie! I looked out of my balcony door and saw Stiles outside.

I opened my door "Stiles, what the hell, you know there's a door right?"

"I don't know I just thought that it would have woken up your parents or something. It's actually quite late. Anyway, I, hmm was just wondering if you could help me with something; since you are probably the smartest person I know." he blabbered.

"It's alright my parents are divorced and my mum isn't home." I laughed "Come inside, so what do you need my help for?"

He smiled at me and jump inside from the balcony. "I need to your help with finding out about my mum and how she died."

I looked at Stiles with a surprised looked, I didn't expect him to ask me to help him with his mother's death. "Ok, let's do this" I smiled at him and returned the same smile. 

We got out pens and treads which were red, blue and green; Stiles asked for them and I still have no idea why we would need them.

He gave me letters and also her old phone, which I don't know why he still had it, because she died years ago.

"OK, so we are going to read these letters and messages and figure out, what exactly happened to her, in full detail." "But, Stiles, didn't she die of dementia?"

Stiles looked down and then explained, "when you read the first letter, you would know that, she was actually cured, before she died and was actually murdered."

I looked at him startled by what he just told me. "I am sorry, I have no idea what you are going through.  Why didn't you tell me?"  I slightly smiled at him to comfort him.

For a second, I thought there was a flash of sadness that crossed his face,  however just as quick at I saw it, it went and was replaced by a frown.

"I... hmm.. never mind"

~Stiles' pov ~

I went to Lydia's house, I needed someone clever and she was the first person who came to my mind.  I involuntarily smiled thinking about her.

I throw a pebble at her balcony door.  A nostalgic feeling of; how I used to do that every day, when I was younger and wanted someone to talk to.

Lydia opened the door of her balcony and saw me down there smiling at her. She looked beautiful, she wasn't wearing makeup and her hair was up,  but you can see pieces of her naturally wavy hair falling out of the up do, she was also wearing her pyjamas. 

"Stiles, what the hell, you know there's a door right?" she scowled at me. I smiled and slightly laughed at her sass.

"I don't know I just thought that it would have woken up your parents or something. It's actually quite late. Anyway, I, hmm was just wondering if you could help me with something; since you are probably the smartest person I know." I blabbered. 

She let me inside and I explained why I went to her. We then gathered up the necessary equipment we needed.  I told her about the letters and gave her my mum's old phone; explained everything about how she was murdered.

She looked at me startled by what I have told her, "I am sorry, I have no idea what you are going through.  Why didn't you tell me?" she slightly smiled at me to comfort me; strangly it work slightly, it was probably because she is showing you that she cares about you.

I remembered what she said before I could smile at her and I became sad. I had to shrugg the feeling away, I hated feeling sad.

I contemplated on telling her, and decided not to because she can't know that I feel weird around her, she makes me weak and weird.

"I... hmm.. never mind" I almost accidently told her. "Hmm, can we look at the messages?" I saved myself.

She gave me a confused look and then agreed.

An: detective stydia on the case 😉

What do you think people leave your comments.

Also next chapter will also be detective stydia and also maybe a flashback.


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