Chapter 15- Letters To Claudia

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~Stiles' pov~

I read the letter and slammed it down. Uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. I vowed that I wasn't going to cry in 7th grade and here I am bawling my eyes out.

~~ Two weeks later ~~

~Lydia's pov~

I was allowed leave the hospital 3 days ago and I am now healthy to go to school. I had a leg injury and a concussion, but now I am fine.

I walked into the school building. I wish I could stay home for another day. School is just shit. Everybody was staring at me. I stormed to where my friends were.

Kira, Cora, Erica, Malia and Allison were all seated at our usual table. "Hey Lydia, Oh my God! how are you?!" "I'm good, thanks. Where's Danny?"
"He's with Jackson, why?"
"hmm... Never mind"

What Stiles said that day kept constantly going around my mind. What did he do to him?

Speaking of the devil, Stiles was walking down near us. He was wearing his usual plaid but with a black leather jacket. He looks so hot. Calm down girl.

He walks down and I smiled at him, but he ignored me. What the hell was all that about?

I frowned, Allison noticed it all. She gave me a look, which meant do you want to go somewhere and talk. I smiled at her.

"I need to go and find something. Lydia could you come with me?" Allison accused us
"Yeah, sure." I smiled at her.

We got up and walked out of the cafeteria. "So, do you want to tell me, what the hell was all that about?"
"no, fucking, idea." "what's happened to him?"

Allison when silent for a second, as if she was trying to find out, how she should say something. "hmm, so basically, Stiles has came to school high and drunk everyday, since two weeks ago." "What day did it start?"

"The Monday after the Halloween party. Lydia, did something happen that night?"

"Yeah, hmm, he ran out of the hospital because he need to get somewhere urgently. He said that he forgot something and was beating himself up about it." she looked at me and then her face light up like she had an amazing idea. "What?" I questioned her.

"We should see what Scott knows. What happened to Stiles Stilinski that day? "

The bell went for registration. "At break, I will tell you what he said, because I will ask him now."

~~ At break~~

I waited for Allison to leave her class. "So, what did he say??" I impatiently asked. "Oh my God, Lydia, give me a moment" she laughed. She took her food out and sat in the cafeteria.

"Basically, that night was the night that his mother died." "Oh, so that would explain why he would be beating himself up."

"Did he came to class today?" she questioned me. "No he skipped it" I looked down in disappointment.

Stiles, then entered the room, as if he knew we were talk about him. There were girls practically throwing themselves at him. People were gossiping about 'why would Malia break up with him?' and also 'he probably broke up with her', I feel sorry for her, and it's none of their fucking business.

Malia walked in with Kira, Cora and Erica. They sat at our table, people were staring at them; some were giving her death glares and others were simply staring. "Do you fucking mind? Turn your heads before I break your stupid necks!!" Cora yelled at them. They all instantly turned around.

"Why were they even staring?" Kira said. "No idea." Malia answered. "It's because you are Stiles' ex, the last one from Heather." Erica said.
"Who's Heather?" Malia questioned.
"No one important. She was needy and followed Stiles everywhere like a lost puppy. She was horrible to everyone, I got pissed off with her so I left." Cora explained.

"This is a waste of time, let's go and buy some pizza." Malia stood up. "It's the least all of you can do for me. I'll pay."

"fine" we all said. Malia celebrated and practically ran out of the door. Kira followed and then the rest of us.

~Stiles' pov~

I arrived home after school. My dad was home, which was rare because he is the sherif, so he is barely home.

"Stiles! I know you're here! So come here!" ugh, here we go again. "what do you want!"

"Stiles Stilinski, I have no idea what had got to you recently, but you need to fix up. I've received, yet again, another call this week saying you were truanting and going to school high and drunk!! Do you know, how humiliating it is to have your son going to school drunk and high, while you are the sheriff? Of course you don't. Can you imagine what your mother would think if she saw you like this??" I laughed drunkenly.

He doesn't know what I've been through. I went up the stairs and into my room.

I went and open the letters which were to my mum. I picked up the two letters which broke my heart. Even thought, it damaged my heart so badly, I couldn't stop myself from reading it.

Mrs Claudia Stilinski,

We would like to tell that you no longer have frontal-templeral dementia. However, we will still like you to have your frequent check ups at your local doctors.

Dr Gabriel Valack. '

It broke my heart to think that they let me believe that she died of dementia. The other letter told me basically what happened to her.

My phone buzzed. I got a text message from Scott.

Scott: Where are you? The Party is on right now!!

Me: thank you scotty boy, for telling me something that I actually want to hear!!

Scott: let me guess you are already drunk. Don't drive I will come and get you.

Me: Scott, bro, you are a legend!

I put my phone down, throw the letter and walk out of the room, waiting for Scott to come.

An: soo another update on the same day, I know I am on a streak. It's my gift to you guys. I'm still hungry, even though, I just ate.


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