Chapter 6- Truth Or Dare Lydia

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An: I know but to make things feel more emotional play the song when I say,*play song*.  This is only because it fits a certain part of the chapter and not all of it :)

~Lydia's pov~

"Lydia? Truth or dare?"
I panicked, I didn't expect it to be me.

"Dare". Oh God, why did I pick that oh no! Stiles smirked like he could hear my thoughts.

"I can't think of a dare. Can any of you? " what the actually fuck is going around in his mind?  I thought he knew what to do.

Erica, Kira, Allison and Danny all went to each other and planned my fate. 

They all turned and Danny said, "You will spend an entire day with Stiles, and not leave his side unless, you are going to the toilet or a class, which he's not in"

"Are you going to give up, and take four shots or go through with it?"
"Why do I have to do four shots?"
"because four shots is like two, for you"

"Ugh fine" I will kill them later.  Secretly you are loving this Lydia. Oh my God, why am I arguing with myself? 

Stiles slowly walked over to me and whispered "I bet you can't last a day with me"

"yes I can! I can do a week, if I wanted to!" He walks closer to me, I could feel his breath my neck.

"Prove it".  He seriously thinks that I can't. "Okay then, what happens if I win? What will I get?"  "well you'll find out, if you win" he winked and walked off. 

Ugh! Some days that boy irritates me and other days...

"Lydia, it's getting late I'm going home" Allison told me.  "yeah good idea, I'll go too, in a bit" " I'm going with Scott now" "aww, look at you two. I just can't! Soo cute!"

"Just don't forget, Stiles needs to take you home,  it's your dare" "oh my God I can't with you, just wait until tomorrow" she giggled and walked away.

I should get going too, now. Guess I got to look for Stiles now.

I went around search for Stiles, until I got bored and ended up playing beer pong. 

*play song*

~Stiles pov~

It was getting late, and apparently I have to take Lydia home, since I have to spend a week with her. She was the one who pushed it, to a week; even though, I am not complaining.

I went find her,  but I couldn't find  her. Seriously where is she? I remember when she told me, that she liked playing board games, the only thing close to board games is beer pong.

I went to the room and found Lydia kicking a guys ass at beer pong.  I stood there and watched her proud victory.
She looked so beautiful, ravishing, cheerful, carefree.. Stiles get it together! You're with Malia and...

I remember the day I said to myself that I had to get over Lydia. She looks as happy as, the day I gave her the necklace in 5th grade. I still can't believe she still has it and wears it. 

I went up to Lydia. "Lydia you need to go home now."  she stopped celebrating and said "I don't want to leave.. I want to stay with yooouuuu!!!!" she's drunk "come on Lyds, let's get you home"

I picked her up bridal style and she layer in my arms and touch my face. My heart skipped a few beats.

"When did you get so beautiful. Oh wait! You were always soo beautiful, hot and handsome!! Oh soo handsome!" "well, Lydia you're the beautiful one" she fluttered her eyelashes.

"you're the one, who I just makes me smile when I am having the worse day ever; just simply looking at you makes me whole day better.  Like you have no idea". I looked at her and she was a fast a sleep. I felt so disappointed because I finally admitted what I wanted to say since 5th grade. 

I put her in the front passenger seat of my jeep and drove off to her house. During the drive I kept taking a look at her, she was soo beautiful, no, she's more than beautiful.

We reached her house.  I remember going to her house in 5th grade. I picked Lydia up,  bridal style. I rang the door bell with my spare hand and waited for her mum to open the door. 
Her mum opened the door. "Stiles,  hello! It's soo good to see you!  How's everything going?  I haven't seen you since 7th grade!" 7th grade was when I changed to fit in.

"oh my goodness, thank you for helping her home. When she gets up I will tell her you brought her home"

"Thank you, Ms Martin. Hope you have a good day" I then walked in and put Lydia onto her bed and walked home, with Lydia all on my mind. 

An: I will update on the weekends.

Truth Or Dare - Stydia AuWhere stories live. Discover now