Chapter 8- Promise

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~Stiles' pov~

I turned around after I heard someone falling. It was Lydia.  I ran to her, so quickly that I my brain couldn't even comprehened what just happened. I picked her up in my arms and protected her head, which she badly hit off the tree. I started running for our lives.

I looked at her, she looked peaceful, even though she was probably in serious pain. I hated to see her in such pain, it pained me.  I wanted to protect her.

I would do anything, to avoid her from getting into any sort of pain, again. 

I remember the day she it was in 4th grade she was running happily and free, with no care in the world.  She was always my perfect definition of beautiful.  She fell and hurt her knee,  I ran to her and helped her up and took her to the nurse. She was crying but stopped crying when I helped her.  She looked at me as if I was her hero. 

I would do anything to see her look at me like that.

I looked at her in my arms and smiled. I'll keep chasing after her for years, if it means that she would be safe and in my arms again. I'll wait a thousand years for her to just see me, the way I see her. I just hope she doesn't give up on me.

I ran to see if the police we gone so I could take my car, but to my disappointment they were still there. 

So I decided to run to the hospital.  Even though, it is miles away, I will do it for Lydia.  

We finally made it and I feel like I need a doctor for myself. I started shouting for someone to help her. It's ridiculous how they were taking ages.  "what happened to her?" Melissa Mccall, Scott's mum and my step mum.  "She.. She hit her head." I stuttered. I am stressed, she needs to get help.
"Please, help her." I had a tear going down my cheek, I could hold back my emotions any longer.

Melissa looked at me and simply said to me, "you love her. Stiles,  why aren't you with her? It makes things easier" I looked at Lydia. I guess I do love her, dearly. "yeah I do love her. I'm scared that she doesn't love me."

I sat and waited as they took her from my arms. I heard the doctors working away to help make sure she reminds alive. I felt as if I was slowly losing my mind. I can't lose another person.  Lydia don't give up on me. I am only with Malia because I feel like I don't deserve Lydia.  I hated that she wasn't in my arms.

It's not fair, how you have Malia stuck with you, and make her beleive that you like her, when you are stuck and hung on somebody else. Dump her and let her be free. For the first time in ages, I thought of something that made, so much sense. I will let Malia go and go after Lydia, without anything holding me back.

I grabbed my phone and called Malia.  "Hey, Malia" "hi,  what's up? "

" hmm.. I don't know, how to say this but, I.. For a long time, I have been holding back from something, that I really wanted, but I just didn't get it, because I believed that I wasn't worthy of it. I didn't believe I deserved it,  so I settled for something that I didn't really want as much; which I had to try and convince myself, everyday, that I did want it, and I wanted it more than the other thing. Which was a lie. I was holding that thing back because of my own selfishness.  Malia,  what I am trying to say is that, I am selfish and I have been in love with someone else, thoughout our entire relationship. You deserve a hell lot better, I hope your next lover loves you better and treats you a hell lot better then me. But not I have to let you go. Malia I'm breaking up with you; and I hope you don't think you are not worthy for anyone, like I did. "

She was silent for a while and then she finally said something.

" Thank you for being honest.  I hope we can remain friends.  And Stiles, I am soo sorry but I have been cheating on you."

"So when you denied, cheating on me since, Greenberg's party, you lied!" 

"I am soo sorry. I but I was scared. I don't know what you would have done. I thought that it wouldn't be fair if you didn't know. Stiles, I hope you respect my decisions in the future, like how I respect you. "

"You know what I don't really care anymore I hope whomever he is, is worth it."

Malia remaind silent, as if, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't. I cut the line and asked someone if I could see Lydia. They told me that I could see her, but she is resting.

~Lydia's pov~

I woke up and saw Stiles running into the room. He looked like a child on Christmas day, running to open the presents. 
"Stiles?  How did I get here? What happened? " He looked at me and smiled.
"You ran straight into a tree, you fell unconscious and I saw you, so I ran and pick you up and took you to hospital."
"Did you run all the way to the hospital?" "yeah, and I'll do it again if it means you will be safe and sound"

I can't believe that he did that.
"Stiles, that's incredible, thank you"
I smiled at him, he was looking at me like the day he helped me in 4th grade, when I fell and hurt my knee.  I still to this day, don't understand how he picked me up. I also remember the day I fell for him in 3rd grade.

~flashback to 3rd grade~

I was playing around in the sandpit, until a few girls came and started picking on me. I was so upset that I couldn't even speak. Stiles saw what they were doing and he came and stopped them. He was my hero, and still is since that day.  I thanked him and he smiled.  That was the day,  that I found out that I love his smile. I would do anything from that day, to make sure that I saw him smile. 

~End of flashback~

And here he is, with his amazing, carefree, beautiful smile, which lights up my day. 

~Stiles' pov~

She was looking at me, like the day, I helped her in 4th grade. Like I was her hero. 

~Lydia's pov~

"Lydia, I want to talk to you"
"Ok , what about?"
"I.. hmm.. I want you to know that.. Hmm.. Forget.. It doesn't matter"
"hmm ok"

"Stiles, when can I go home?"
"oh, yeah.. Hmm hold on I'll ask my step mum... She works here" he awkwardly scratched the back of his head and walk out. 

He came back with his step mother, Melissa Mccall.  And she told me that I was good to go.  So Stiles and I headed to the door, until I realised, how was I suppose to get home?  The hospital is far from my house. 

"Stiles, how are we getting home? "
"I called Derek, he'll be here in a bit"
Derek Hale is one of Stiles' older friends. I don't really know who he is, but I just know that he's related to Cora. 

We waited for 10 minutes, and then we saw, Derek arriving in his black Camaro. Stiles walked up to the car and sat in the front passenger seat. 

"where are we going?"
"you'll find out" he winked at me.

~Malia's pov~

I was crying and I need to be cheered up.  So I went to the one place,  which was the first place, I thought of. 

I rang the doorbell and waited for the door to be answered.

"Hi, can I come in?"
"yes, sure. What happened?  You look so upset. "
"yeah, Stiles broke up with me, and I told him about us"

An: so what do you think?
BTW I'm sorry i couldn't update one Sunday, it's almost impossible to get out another chapter. I promise I started working straight after I updated on Saturday.
I'm going back to once update on the weekends, it might come out on Saturday or Sunday

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