Chapter 27- What The Hell Is A J?

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~Lydia's pov~

I woke up and smiled at the memory of the events which occurred yesterday. I am Stiles' girlfriend. I still find that very weird and nice.

I smiled and did a little celebration dance, I turned on music on my phone and started dancing to Melanie Martinez pity party. I started to sing the chorus at the top of my lungs, I got away with it because my mum wasn't at home, however my little party was interrupted by a notification from my phone. I picked up my phone annoyed and went to see what it was; I saw a text message from a person I didn't know. What the hell?


Hey sorry to interrupt your little pity party, haha, I am not really sorry. What to know what your precious boyfriend has done? I know you do.
BTW you look great, maybe you will dance for me like that another time.

I stared at the text and started to look around for this creepy bastard."J" What the hell is a J?!

I wondered around looking for this creepy asshole, what if he hacked into my laptop? I looked at my laptop and saw that my laptop camera was on. Eww! What a creepy stalker!!

I slam my laptop shut, I was so frustrated that I almost threw my laptop off the wall. I ran and looked at all of my other electronic devices and made sure they were all stored away but my phone. I will tell Stiles about this creepy stalker! I looked down and realised that I was wearing my pyjamas. Well after I take a shower and get changed.

~Stiles' pov~

I was wondering about at home, not really knowing why I was up so early in the morning, I looked at the time and it was 9 in the morning. The doorbell interrupted my thoughts, who else seems to also be up this early today?

I went to answer the door and saw Lydia standing there at my door, she was wearing casual comfortable clothing like an oversized sweater and some jeans, and she still looked amazing. "Hi Stiles!" "Hey, what's up?"

Lydia smiled at me, and even thought we are dating she still seems to have a serious affect on my heart. Lydia walked into the house and sat down on the sofa. "I got a weird text this morning, it was from an unfamiliar number." I gave her a surprised look, Oh fuck no it better not be that bastard again!! I swear I will kill this annoying asshole!!

"Stiles?" she gave me a concerned look and went to comfort me. "Can I see the text?" I asked her and she then gave me her phone after unlocking it. I found the text and read it.


Hey sorry to interrupt your little pity party, haha, I am not really sorry. What to know what your precious boyfriend has done? I know you do.
BTW you look great, maybe you will dance for me like that another time.

This fucking bastard! "Do you know who it is?" Lydia asked me confused about what is happening. "Yes, and I will kill this stupid asshole!" she gave me a weird look. "Then, why aren't you telling me right now?" She was starting to impatient. "Because we will go to this disloyal backstabbing asshole."

We got into the Jeep and drove off to the dickhead's house."So what else happened?" I asked her feeling like she hasn't told me everything. "What do you mean?" she asked me confused about what I was asking her.
"What else did he do?" Lydia didn't say anything for couple of seconds and then she answered me. "He hacked onto my laptop and I don't know what else, but my camera was on." This disgusting bastard when we reach him I will kill him!!

"Stiles? Are you ok?" she asked me, I looked at her. "Yeah I am just angry and I will kill him when we reach this idiot. No one can spy on you! I will get him for what he has done to you and my mum!"

"Your mum?" She questioned me. "What does you mum have to do with this? Unless.. Was this the same 'J' person who tormented your mother? And did he kill your mum?" I looked at her and honestly answered her questions "Yes, it is the same person. Yes, he tormented my mother, and yes, he killed my mother." Lydia put her hand on my shoulder and told me it was alright.

"Why didn't you tell me before? And how long have you known?" I sighed and told her the truth. "I have knew it was him since I asked you to help me find out what happens to my mum. I knew who killed her, just not how she died." Lydia comforted me. "I understand, it's okay."

We reached the idiot's house, I knocked on the door and made sure that Lydia was behind me. Lydia's phone went off and she picked her phone up to see a text. "Lydia?" I asked her, she picked her phone up and showed me a text.


Aww you boyfriend over, did he tell you who I am yet? I guess he hasn't hahaha.

Ps; you look great tell Stiles he is a lucky.

Alway with love x -J.

What the hell is wrong with this guy he probably has been watching too much pretty little liars. I began to rage, what a fucking bastard!!

I started to hit the door with ridiculous rage, "Open the fucking door!! You fucking coward!!!" I roared at him through the door.

The door then slowly opened revealing the bastard himself. "Hello Parrish, you fucking dickhead."

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