Chapter 10- Rumour Has It

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~Lydia's pov~

It was the next day, which meant school. One thing, I forgot to mention is that Stiles Stilinski is the most popular boy in school, which means that most of the girls want him. So when everyone heard that Malia and Stiles broke up, rumours went round saying that I have broke them up. It's actually quite funny what people come up with these days. I literally just learnt that they broke up.

I walked into the dinning room and everyone was looking at me and whispering. It didn't help how the bet was still on, which meant that Stiles was always by my side.

Stiles looked like he sensed my uncomfort and grabbed my hand and took me out of the room.

"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said trying to pull a satisfying smile.
"Lydia, don't lie to me. I know you're not ok. If this bet is making you feel uncomfortable, then I will end it, because you mean more to me then a stupid bet. "

I smiled at him. I appreciate how he was assuring me that everything was going to be ok.
"Thank you"

The bell went and I had to go to my first class. This is going to be a long day.

Malia walked in late to maths. Everyone gave her a pitiful look. She just had a massive smile on. I wonder, how does she do that?

Malia sat next to Kira. She gave her a smile and Kira returned the same smile.

Stiles walked into the classroom, late as usual.
"Stilinski, why are you late, again? "

"I would give you an excuse, but then you'll think that I actually care, which I don't." He smirked and then Coach being Coach was done with his shit.

"Look Stiles, you can fail your exams for all I care, but you have to at least pretend that you care, or else you'll lose your spot in the lacrosse team. Now Stilinski, sit your punk ass down"

Stiles gave up and sat down. "That's what I thought."

~~At lunch~~

I went and sat with my friends.
"So Lydia, did you forget about the Halloween party?"
The school was holding an Halloween party. And I totally forgot, but you my defence I don't know why they are holding a Halloween party, when we just came back from the summer holiday.

"yeah, I forgot."
"Of course you did, that's why you look like a ghost." Danny said to me.

"Well, me too" Kira said and giggled.
"Well maybe, you have been spending too much time, gushing over Malia" Danny said.
Kira smiled and blushed.

Erica just laughed "Well, unlike you guys I have remembered and brought my costume."

"What was the theme again?" I said.
"Seriously, honey, really? It's fairy tales, myths and legends. Which means you can bring your ass looking like a cyclops."
"Danny, I swear you get more sassy everyday"
"I can't help it, I'm just like this"
"So can you guys come shopping with me after school"
"sure but you're bring Stiles with you. By the way, where is that hot ass boy at?"
"I don't know."

"Girl, keep an eye out for your boyfriend, because I will come and grab him from you, if you two are apart one more time. I will grab him and his hot self and drop bloody Jackson for him"

~~ At shopping~~

~Lydia's pov~

We all went to the mall. Danny was walking ahead of us, he tells us that he's stopping us from going to all the 'trashy cheap ass shops'.

We walking into one shop and I found the best outfit. It took us all an hour to find something for all of us. Kira was preoccupied on her phone. She got a text and started to say that she has to run off.

~Kira's pov~

I got a text from someone special. I had to run over to their house, immediately, because the text said it was an emergency.

I rang the doorbell. The door was answered immediately. When the door opened I saw tears on their face.

"Malia, what's wrong?"

AN: so what do you think? And I know I updated on the same day. It's a record, I'm proud of myself. And yes I know it's a massive cliffhanger, sorry.


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