Chapter 5

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The next week I was packed to move in with my real dad.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" my adoptive mom asked yet again.

"Yes, mom. I want to find my family." I replied.

I finally convinced my adopted mom that this was what I wanted and I wasn't going to change my mind. My adoptive parents loaded all of my belongings into the car. I stood back and out of the way for the day, because my emotions had been all messed up since meeting my real dad and him agreeing to take me back. I nearly burned my adoptive family's house down while I was packing. I packed everything I had, and my adopted dad even gave me all the papers he found on my real siblings. When everything was packed, I said my goodbyes to my adoptive siblings without hugging them because my hands were red hot and if I touch anything or anyone they could burst into flames. We were soon pulling into my real dad's driveway. We unpacked all my things into the room my dad had ready for me. My dad and I then started unpacking the boxes once my adoptive parents left. We barely had everything unpacked when there was a knock at the door.

"Stay here, Jessie. I'll get it." My dad said.

I obeyed, somewhat. I let him answer the door, but I didn't stay in my new room. I walked into the living room with a book to read, and to see who was at the door. Whoever it was they weren't understanding what my dad was trying say. My dad and the person at the door were arguing about something, and when the guy at the door saw me pass by he stopped arguing and pushed his way into the house.

"I said you weren't welcome in my house!" my dad yelled.

The guy didn't seem to hear him, and just kept walking towards me. I was sitting on the couch reading, and the unwelcomed guest came right up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Leave me alone!" I said.

"You're coming with me." The intruder said.

"No I'm not!" I replied.

I became so frustrated that the fire inside turned blue, the hottest fire I could bend. I jumped off the couch out of his reach and did a high kick. As I kicked, blue fire shot from the bottom of my foot heading for the stranger, and hit him right in the middle of the chest. The fire left a huge burn on the intruder's chest. He seemed to be in a whole bunch of pain as he dashed out of the house.

"Dad? Who was that?" I asked.

"Someone from my old work place. I have no idea how they knew you had come home." He answered.

"Why did he want me to go with him? Is it because I can bend fire?"

"Yes. His boss wants control of your ability, but she won't get it. And I don't think you'll let her either."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"You've come a long way in bending fire, Jessie. That was a marvelous kick."

"Thanks dad!"

We cleaned up the small mess that was created when the intruder tried to kidnap me. And as we cleaned, I created small swirls of fire that floated around the living room.

"Amazing, Jessie! Have you mastered it yet?" dad asked.

"Not quite, my emotions keep getting in the way, but I think if we get the family back together I can finally control my emotions." I replied.

"Well then, let's find ur brothers and sisters."

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