Chapter 7

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We drove to the address that my first sister lived at, and was amazed at the house. Her adoptive dad was supposedly a surgeon. We walked up to the door, and my dad rang the doorbell.

"Alan!" the man that answered the door said.

"Bill! This is your house!?" my dad replied.

"Yea, come on in."

We entered the house and were lead into the living room.

"Who's this with you, Alan?" Bill asked.

"Bill, I would like you to meet my daughter Jessamine." My dad replied.

"Your daughter!? I thought you and Jane put all your kids up for adoption."

"We did, but Jessie wanted to have her family back together."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"You adopted one of my kids, Bill. And Jessie wants to meet her and ask her to live with us as a family."


"Yes, Izabelle is one of my daughters. Would you return the favor from when you helped with Jane's case?"

"I suppose. It's ironic Izzy was just asking to look for her family the other day."

Bill got up and left the room to find Izzy in the house.

"Dad? Were Izzy and I close when we were little?" I asked while Bill was still gone.

"Oh yeah, all you kids were. It was a blessing to see you and your siblings getting along so well. But it could've been y'all's ages. Y'all aren't to far apart from each other. I think the biggest gap is between you and Izzy actually." Dad replied.

As Bill came back into the living room with Izzy, the doorbell rang. Bill left to answer it, and my dad started to explain to Izzy why we were there.

"So your part of my real family?" Izzy asked.

"Yes." Dad answered.

"How old are you Izzy?" I asked.

"15, and you can bend an element too?" Izzy directed the question towards me.

"Yea I can." I replied then set my fingertips a blaze to show what I could do. "What element can you bend, Izzy?"

"One moment." Izzy said.

She left the room and went into the kitchen, and came back with a glass of water. Izzy set the glass on the coffee table and took a small step back. She widened her stance and moved her hands in flowing movements as if she was made of water. And as she moved her hands, the water began to move in in unison with her hands.

"Amazing, Izzy. Have you been practicing over the years?" dad asked.

"Here and there yes." Izzy replied.

"You've come a long way."

"What are you doing!? I said you weren't welcome here!" Bill yelled from the front door.

The same guy who barged into my dad's house to cam barreling into the living room towards Izabelle. I stepped in between them ready for a fight.

"Hey, long time no see bub." I said.

"Out of the way." The intruder ordered.

"I don't take orders from you." I answered back and took a fighting stance.

The intruder tried to lunge for Izzy, but I jabbed a fist into his chest. At first he was confused, but once I smiled fear was visible in his eyes. Fire erupted from my closed fist and the intruder went flying across the room. He hit the wall and collapsed to his knees. As he was starting to stand back up, Izzy made the water from the glass go flying towards the intruder, and it froze him to the wall by his hands and ankles.

"Nice move, Izzy." I said.

"Thanks, we make a pretty good team!" Izzy replied excited.

"What happened?" Bill asked as he enter the room seeing the man frozen to the wall.

Izzy explained what had happened, and Bill took it really well coming from Izzy.

"Alan, what do you think we should do with him?" Bill asked.

My dad decided it would be best to interrogate the intruder. The only things we could get out of him was that his boss still wants control of the elements, and when she has control over the elements she plans to "control the world". Bill decided that Izzy would be safer with dad and me after hearing that. We packed Izzy's stuff as quickly as we could, and left for home.

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