Chapter 34

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Tess stood in front of the door gathering the dark energy inside her to get out of the room. She finally gathered enough energy and her eyes went black. She melted into a shadow and slid under the door. A moment later the door unlocked and opened with Tess standing with her eyes each a different color. Her left eye black, and her right eye gray.

"That's not creepy at all." Izzy said.

Tess smiled and started giggling. She must have seen that too. I shook my head at her and smiled. I started down the hall, which was eerily empty.

"I thought this was a lab?" Will said.

"It is." I replied.

"Then where is everyone? The hall wasn't this empty a few minute ago." Izzy said.

"It was empty when I unlocked the door." Tess said.

I didn't say anything in return, I just kept going down the hall. We had passed so many doors that were labeled in a range of different labs. We finally came to a door that we could hear someone arguing with another person. I stopped to listen, and I recognized one of the voices as our dad's.

"But they keep calling me 'dad'. What the heck is that about?" he asked.

"They're confused. You look like their dad, so they think you're their dad. Common mistake." A woman's voice said. I guessed it was Amelia.

"Wouldn't they have figured out that I'm not their dad, after calling me 'dad' almost six different times, Amelia?" I was right dad was talking to Amelia.

"They're still in shock, Allen. They can't figure things out on their own, we need to help them find their way." she said.

"Their way where?"

"To our side. They think we are their enemies."

She was filling his mind with lies about us. Trying to make him believe that we are lost children looking for where we fit in. My hatred for her just grew ten times. I had to restrain myself from barging in the room and going right for Amelia's throat to strangle her. Izzy seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see the others with solemn faces. As I looked around at the others, I thought to myself that there has to be a way for me to pull my family back together where nothing will separate us. Suddenly the door to the "office" opened and dad stood on the thresh hold starring at us.

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