Chapter 9

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After an hour of driving, we pulled into the neighborhood that our sister lived in. We found her house pretty quickly. It looked kind of run down. Dad rang the doorbell, but it took a minute before anyone answered. When the door finally opened, out escaped a whole bunch of screaming and yelling from inside. A girl that looked to be 13 or 14 had answered the door.

"Is this the Watson residence?" dad asked.

"Yea, what's it to you!?" yelled a voice from inside the house.

"We're looking for a Theresa."

"That would be me." Said the young girl at the door.

"Is this a good time that we can talk to you?"

"What has the idiot done now!?" asked a woman who approached the door. Her voice was the one that called out before.

"Nothing we would just like to talk." I replied.

"We can talk in the backyard." Theresa answered.

Theresa led us through the house to the backyard. As we went through the house I looked around quickly so I wouldn't be rude. The house had dirty clothes strewn about along with garbage and half eaten food everywhere. Once we were outside I had a burning question for Theresa.

"Does your house always look like that, Theresa?" I finally asked.

"You can call me Tessa, and most of the time it does." Tessa replied.

"What's a normal day at home like?" Izzy asked.

"Are you guys from the police station?" Tessa asked.

"No, why?" dad replied.

"Well a normal day here isn't all too bright. Ms. Diana can get pretty aggressive if we don't do what she asks when she asks."

"How long have you been here?" dad asked.

"A couple years."

"Is this not a permanent home for you?"

"No, I'm a foster kid. I go from foster home to any other foster home that will take me."

"How come you change foster homes so much?"

"I have a habit of stealing from the foster parents."

"Would you like to get away from this place?"

"Like change foster homes again?"

"No, go to a real home with your real family."

"I would love to, but I've never had the chance to find my real family."

"Well you don't have to look too far anymore." I said.

"Are you guys my real family?" Tessa asked with realization.

"Yes we are." Dad replied.

Tessa was at a loss for words, and tears started brimming in her eyes. Soon she was crying tears of joy.

"You all should know that, before we make anything permanent about me staying with you, I can bend darkness to my will."

Tessa showed us what she meant by bending the shadow of the house. We were all amazed at what she could do. Dad went inside to talk to Ms. Diana about taking Tessa home with us. While dad was talking with Diana, Tessa, Izzy, and I showed each other what we could do. We started sharing tips on how we could better our bending to give more damage in a fight or something of that nature. It didn't take much negotiating with Diana about Tessa coming home with us.

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