Chapter 26

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We all went back inside the house slowly and silently. Izzy went around the house locking every door and every window in sight. Tess and Jem sat on the couch trying to see the future to figure out what Amelia was planning next and to see who she had working for her so we could avoid them. Will went around the house cleaning up the mess that was left when dad was taken. I went looking for a phone to call Mrs. Randolph next door to see if she had any advice for us and to see what she thought we should do.

"Well sweetie I don't know what to tell you. No one I know has ever been kidnapped before, but I can keep an eye out for you kids. You're welcome to come over and stay when you need to though." Mrs. Randolph said.

"Alright thank you Mrs. Randolph. I'll call and let you know how we are periodically." I replied.

"Alright sweetheart. I hope you kids figure out what's going on." Mrs. Randolph said and hung up.

"What did Mrs. Randolph say?" Will asked.

"She said she didn't know what to tell us, but that we are welcome over at her house whenever." I replied.

"So, we're back at square one?" Izzy asked.

"Basically, yea we are." I replied.

"What are we gonna do now?" Tess asked.

"We be careful. Tess, Jem have you found out anything on Amelia?"

"Unfortunately, no. It's as if she acts in the moment instead of thinking about it." Jem replied.

"Your predictions aren't based on the multiple possible futures?"

"No, it's based on a person's decisions, if they haven't made the decision to do something, we can't see it. We may be able to develop our future telling over time, but right now we're stuck with only seeing decisions."

Great we were at a dead end, and the only thing we can do is sit around the house.

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