Chapter 20

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A little while later when they were done eating, they came back up to my room, and it didn't take too long for us kids to get bored. In an attempt to entertain ourselves individually. Izzy made it snow on herself and she was swirling the snow in patterns in the air. Tess was playing with the shadows in the room and putting on her personal shadow puppet show. Jem was using the light from a small lamp to make colorful scenes for Tess' shadow puppet show. Will was drawing in a plant's pot in the dirt with his earth bending. I was creating small columns of fire and having it branch out like a tree. Dad was somewhere in the hospital doing who knows what. So, we were all bored out of our minds trying to entertain ourselves with our bending, but our attempts weren't working. We all failed until Izzy got an idea.

"Hey guys! I have a better idea. Follow me." She said.

We followed her into the hallway, I was in blue hospital shorts and an oversized blue hospital shirt, so I looked "lovely". Izzy stopped in the middle of the hallway and kneeled down. She set her hand on the floor and an icy strip formed down the middle of the hallway.

"What exactly are we doing?" Jem asked.

"We're gonna skate!" Tess guessed.

"How are we gonna do that?" Will asked.

"Like this." I replied.

I carefully stepped onto the ice and positioned my body sideways, so I was facing away the room door. I stretched my right hand out and shot a gentle stream of fire that started to push me down the hallway on the ice. Once I was at a good speed, I looked back to see what the others were doing. To my surprise they were right behind me sliding on the ice using their bending in different ways. Izzy was in front propelling herself backwards by ice to refreeze the ice from my fire for the others. Tess was next in line; she was holding onto a shadow from down the hall like a leash and the shadow was in the shape of a dog or wolf that was running in front of her to pull her down the ice. Jem and Will were next, they were riding on a board made out of dirt from the pot back in the room. Will's feet were covered holding the board together, and Jem was holding onto Will's shoulders and pushing the board down the hall with his feet like a scooter. I looked forward to see where we were headed, and saw dad come out of an office with the doctor that's been coming in and out of my room checking on me. I couldn't stop in time, so all five of us plowed into dad and the doctor.

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