Chapter 22

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We were just pulling into to driveway, but we had visitors. It seemed like the entire town was in our front yard with press everywhere. Great, I was finally home, and people weren't going to give me a break. Photographers started to take pictures as soon as the car pull into the driveway. I pulled a blanket over my left shoulder to hide the gauze.

"How are we going to get Jessie in the house with all these people?" Will asked.

"Jem take the flash out of the cameras. They won't be able to take any pictures without the flash. Tess, put a shadow over the video cameras, so they can't record." Dad replied.

Jem and Tess went to work. All the cameras were taken care of in the matter of moments. I kept the blanket over my shoulder as we got out of the car. The press tried to mob me, but Tess faced them and set her hands a blaze with shadowy fire and her eyes went dark. We got in the house, and I just had to ask her.

"Tess when have you been able to do that?" I asked.

"Just now. I don't know how though. They were just making me so mad I acted on instinct." Tess replied.

"I think it was really awesome." Izzy said.

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