Chapter 27

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It got late and we went over to Mrs. Randolph's for dinner. We didn't stay after dinner instead we went home, knowing we would be putting her in harm's way if we stayed. Once we got home, we were all dead tired, and decided to go to bed. We had had an eventful day. Tess had found energy that she could channel outward and bend, all while figuring out that her and Jem can see the future together. Will found that he could cover himself with earth and rocks and cause mini "earthquakes" when he walked while covered in said earth. Izzy found a hidden ice storm, and I had found a lost arm made of fire/lava. On top of all that our dad was taken from right inside our house. The press had let up earlier that day, but after the news of our dad being kidnapped got out, they were back. We had fought through them to get inside the house. We were all getting ready for bed. Tess and I were done and in our rooms Izzy was changing, and Jem and Will had finished brushing their teeth. I was getting my bed ready when I smelled something funny. I suddenly became dizzy and woozy. I heard a loud thunk from the room next to mine, which was Jem's and Will's room. I stumbled out of my room and into theirs to see what was going on.

"Guys stop fooling around and go to bed." I said as I stumbled into their room.

I didn't get a reply since Jem was lying on the floor passed out, and Will was sitting on his bed blinking rapidly trying to stay awake. Izzy stumbled into the room and knelt down next to Jem to make sure he was ok.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He's fine. He just passed out, but what doesn't make sense is that he wasn't that tired just a few minutes ago." Izzy said groggily.

Will then flopped back on his bed passed out like Jem. Nothing was making sense. My siblings and I were all clearly dizzy from something, but I couldn't tell what. One second, I felt fine and the next second I felt dizzy, and apparently Jem, Will, and Izzy were feeling dizzy as well. Tess walked into the room stumbling as well.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"The boys passed out from something, but we can't tell what is affecting them." Izzy replied slowly.

"Whatever is affecting the boys is affecting us as well" I said.

"What are we gonna.........." Izzy trailed of when she passed out asleep.

"What was she gonna s...say?" Tess said and fell asleep almost instantly.

"Guys...... wake...... up........." I said and fell asleep as well. 

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