Chapter 38

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Will's bending seemed to have been the strongest out of the five of us now. I tried to defend myself, but Will seemed to have predicted my every move. I was taking a lot of damage, and I wasn't able to defend myself. Will was striking one attack after another without stopping to take a breath. He punched and kicked with rock covered fists and feet. I flew across the arena with one last blow. I landed on my back with a THUD that could be heard all throughout the arena. Izzy, Tess, and Jem rushed to my side.

"Jess!" I heard Izzy yell.

I struggled to stand and turned toward Will.

"Will please! You have to fight it!" I yelled to him.

He turned his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows together like he was trying to fight it. I stumbled toward him and looked into his eyes. I was having a hard time standing, so Jem helped prop me up. My breathing was becoming ridged as well.

"Will.......... Please?" I said.

"Come on Will, fight it!" Izzy said.

"Will. We need you." Tess said.

Jem didn't seem to have anything to say, or he had seen something in the future and didn't need to say anything. Will looked at each of us individually, each time with more love in his eyes, once his eyes meet mine a look of horror was visible on his face.

"Jess...... I'm so sorry........." Will said with tears in his eyes.

"Will......." I forced out.

"Thank you for giving my benders their conciseness back." Amelia said suddenly in the arena.

"You said you would leave us alone!" I struggled to say.

It was getting harder to breathe the more I tried to talk, and Izzy seemed to have noticed.

"Yea, well.... I lied." Amelia said.

I didn't say anything in response, but I did shoot fire right at Amelia, burning the side of her face. I took the opportunity to force myself to run. The other followed very quickly. I lead the others through an archway that was now open, down several hallways, and out of the building. We realized we weren't too far from home, so we took a chance and ran for it.

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