Chapter 19

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The others all rushed to him to hug him, and when I tried to get up the wires stopped me, so I leaned back. Izzy, Tess, and Jem hugged dad for a few minutes.

"You guys gave me a heart attack when I heard what had happened." Dad said.

"Did Mrs. Randolph tell you?" Jem said.

"No, I saw it on the news, then I called Mrs. Randolph to tell her that I was on my way back."

"The news?" Tess said.

Izzy turned the TV on to the local news channel.

"She was just sitting on the beach with her siblings like nothing special was happening. Out of nowhere her phone ran, she answered. Suddenly a military grade knife is thrown and stabs her in the arm! The thing was practically the width of her arm! The poor dear! It almost severed her arm off when it stabbed her! She didn't even scream! And her sister, Izabelle, knew exactly what was needed to be done when the assailant pulled it out of her arm. She didn't even hesitate or think about what was going on, she just acted on instinct! Now these kids know what they're doing! And while all of this was going on Jessamine's sister and brother, Theresa and James who are twins, were defending their siblings from the assailant by, get this, bending the elements! That's right Theresa and James where bending the shadows and light! Sources say that all four siblings can bend an element! And there's even a fifth sibling, a brother named William. No one knows how they got their powers. But isn't the fact that there are kids living in Jacksonville that can bend amazing!?"

Izzy turned the TV off at dad's request.

"You kids are all over the news. Your bending is too. Now the lab knows where you kids are!" Dad said.

"So, did you find William?" I asked.

"Oh! Yea give me a minute." Dad said and stuck his head out the door. "Will?"

A boy about 13 came in, and he was dressed pretty fancy looking like he was a millionaire or something.

"Kids this is your brother Will. Will this be Izzy, Tess, Jem, and Jessie your sisters and brother." Dad said.

"These are my siblings!? The weirdos on the news!" Will said.

"Well sorry to break it to you, you're a weirdo too." Izzy said.

"Me? A weirdo? No way, my bending is way better than all of your sorry attempts." Will replied.

Tess didn't like that comment at all. "My bending protected your oldest sister form being killed!"

"Yea but you didn't save her arm, did you?"

Tess was losing her temper pretty quickly with our youngest brother. It was pretty clear that he was raised in a family with a lot of money and was definitely spoiled.

"That's it!!" Tess had completely lost it.

She willed the shadow of the hospital bed to move towards Will. Will stood frozen with fear. I sat forward quickly and swung my foot down from the bed and stomped it on top of the shadow Tess was controlling, and willed fire to spiral from underneath my foot. The shadow dispersed and disappeared.

"Tess! What were you thinking!?' I asked.

"I was thinking how much he's getting on my nerves." Tess replied.

It was like that the entire time I was in the hospital hooked up to the heart monitor and IV tube. When the doctors finally unhooked me and said I was free to roam around, Will directed his taunting towards me. He had taunted everyone but dad, he seemed to be too afraid to taunt him but not too afraid to taunt us it seemed.

"You look like a circus freak without your arm." Will would say.

Every time he came up with a new insult, my fire released itself. Will never seemed to get caught taunting me, Izzy, Tess, or Jem. It always seemed dad was nowhere to stop Will. None the less, we were getting fed up with it. None of them had gone home at all since I'd been in the hospital. We'd all been in the hospital room cooped up together. Dad didn't even leave to go get food; we'd all been eating from the hospital cafeteria. My food has been delivered to my room, but dad and the others have had to go down to the cafeteria to eat.

"WILL! KNOCK IT OFF!" Izzy yelled clearly annoyed.

They were in the cafeteria without me eating lunch, well trying to eat.

"What if I don't want to?" Will replied.

"What are you guys yelling about?" dad asked coming back from getting his food.

"Will's flinging food at us!" Jem said.

"No, I'm not!" Will tried to protect himself by lying.

"Will?" dad asked.

"I didn't......"

"Do you expect me to believe you or your sisters and brother? Who are all telling the exact same story? Or you who has a completely opposite story than theirs?"


"Exactly. Have you been tormenting them since we got here?"


"Knock it off. We need to be supportive while Jessamine is in the hospital. All this teasing you've been doing to her won't help her come to terms with losing her arm."

"I never thought of it that way."

That small speech hit Will in just the right spot to make him understand that he's been acting irrationally.

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