Chapter 15

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The next day, we were all awoken by dad banging on our doors.

"Kids! Get up! I finally found your brother!" he said running up and down the hallway.

"Dad! Seriously! We're supposed to be the kids around here!" Izzy said.

"Sorry! It's taken so long to find him, but I finally found him. The only thing that might be a problem is he lives in South Carolina. I'm the only on that can go get him. You four need to stay here. I've already got the plane tickets bought and seats reserved for me and your brother."

"We're fine being alone dad. You can trust us!" Tess said.

Dad didn't seem to be convinced.

"Ok maybe we're a group of hooligans but we make your life interesting don't we!?"

Dad smiled, and turned to me, "Jessie, I've made arrangements for our neighbors to keep an eye on the house while I'm gone. You're in charge, keep your siblings in line and make sure you don't break anything, again."

We all had a little mishap while practicing bending and watching Avatar the Last Air Bender. We were all so focused on watching the show that we weren't paying attention to where our bending was aimed, and we may have destroyed a few things in the process. Our neighbors weren't too happy. So naturally, we all were a little embarrassed that dad had to tell us that we need to be careful with our bending. 

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