Chapter 39

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We reached home safely, but I had the feeling that it wasn't going to last for very long. We locked the door and Jem helped me into the living room. Izzy looked over my injuries while the others secured the house.

"OWW!" I said.

"Well if you would sit still, I wouldn't hurt you!" Izzy said.

"How is she?" Will asked.

"Her injuries are pretty extensive. She has major bruising everywhere, head trauma, a few fractured bones, and pretty bad throat damage." Izzy replied.

"Jess I'm so sorry." Will said.

"It's fine Will. You weren't in control." I struggled to say.

Jem was walking through the living room, but suddenly stopped in the middle of his tracks.

"We need to get out of here!" he said.

We didn't ask why we all just followed Jem. He led us out of the front door, and we all heard a whistling like a missile or rocket was headed our way. I wasn't too far off with my guess, when suddenly a missile hit the house and it demolished it completely. It knocked us all off our feet and scattered us in the street. I was once again knocked onto my back, but this time I wasn't going to be able to get up. My breathing was becoming ridged, and my vision was becoming blurry.

"Jess?" I heard Tess say next to me. "Jessie you need to get up!"

"I....... I can't" I replied.

"Guys!" Tess called to the others.

I started to hear sirens in the distance. It wasn't long until the police and ambulances were there. It was like the beach all over again. The medics lifted me up onto a gurney, and I saw police putting the others into different cop cars. I could feel my breathing becoming shallow, and the others could see it from where they were being shoved into the cop cars.

"JESSIE!" they all yelled in unison.

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

To Be Continued................

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