Chapter 35

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Dad pulled us into the office that he and Amelia were in and left once we were all in the office. Amelia was sitting behind a mahogany desk that had almost nothing on it.

"I had expected that your parents had raised you better than eavesdropping on other's conversations." Amelia said.

"Well, if you didn't just lock us in a room and just walk away, we're going to find a way to break out and annoy you." I remarked with a sarcastic smirk.

She seemed to be amused that I was coming back with smart remarks. She didn't say anything in return for a few minutes. All she did was sit there and stare at me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

"What? Are you speechless because I'm fighting back?" I asked annoyed.

"No not at all." She replied.

She was starting to get on my nerves.

"Is that all you have to say?!" I yelled. "You're ruining our lives for your own benefit! What kind of person do you think you are?!"

All my anger came out in those two questions. My inner fire wavered and almost exploded outward, which could have ended with everyone either seriously hurt or dead. I wouldn't have minded accidentally killing Amelia, but I couldn't put my siblings at risk. I stifled my fire and held it back for the sake of Izzy, Tess, Jem, and Will. Amelia didn't say anything to the questions I yelled but all she did was just sit there and smile.

"What's so funny?" Izzy asked.

"You really don't know why I had you brought here do you?" she replied.

"The only thing we know is that you kidnapped us from our home in the middle of the night!" Tess replied.

"That's only how you kids got here, but do you know why you're here?" she remarked.

"We know that you want our bending for yourself, but you can't have them since our dad made the formula a permanent effect so it can't be taken or changed." Jem said.

That seemed to get under Amelia's skin. She scanned us like she was studying us.

"Some of your eyes have changed. Your bending has advanced remarkably." Amelia remarked.

"What does our eyes have to do with why you want us here?" Will asked.

"It has everything to do with it. Once all of your eyes have changed you will have unlocked your full potential. So far Jessamine and Theresa have unlocked their full potential. Hopefully, Izabelle, James, and William will be able to unlock theirs by the end of the day."

Right then dad came back into the room again and escorted us out, and to the rooms we first woke up in.

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