Chapter 6

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"How many sisters do I have? And how many brothers?" I asked my dad while he was searching for where the addresses of my siblings were located in the world.

"You have two sisters and two brothers, but there's a set of twins somewhere in the mix." Dad replied.

"Where do I get my looks from? You or mom?"

"Your mother. You're a spitting image of her."

The computer dinged and an address came up saying Jacksonville.

"I didn't realize most of you kids were in Jacksonville."

"Is that a bad thing, dad? Won't it be easier to find them and see if they will be a family again?"

"Yes it will be easier, but most of you kids being in the same city together could've been a danger to all of your safety. Your mom and I were hoping you all would find homes in different cities. Your youngest brother was adopted out to a different city, so that was kind of a good thing. But it seems that they're all quite safe. Most of them were adopted into good families like you were. The parents have good jobs, and you went to school with one of your sisters."

"Wait most of them? Was one of them not so lucky at getting adopted? What grade was was the sister I went to school with in? I was just a junior." I said with multiple questions coming out of my mouth.

"It looks like one of the twins didn't have much luck getting out of the system. But the sister at your school was a sophomore."

"Right under my nose! Where does she live!?"

"Just down the street. Would you like to start here?"

"Yes, please."

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