Chapter 2- Not Today! *edited*

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Chapter 2- Not Today! *edited*

My eyes didn't even flutter as the cold barrel of the .40 gun pressed against my temple. My wings beat softly against the air with holding my body two-thousand feet of the ground. If the bullet didn't kill me, the free fall back down surely would. Hopefully no other Hunter would find me before death came to do away with my soul.

Ever since that night in which my father believed to be doing the best by bringing my inner demon forward I have been rejecting my every desire to mate and rejoice upon my mates blood substance. By doing so I somehow gave permission for my demon to take possession of my body each night and sate my insatiable thirst for blood on poor innocent animals.

This morning I had woken up once again outside my window with blood dripping down the front of my night gown, my long incisors still held some meat of the poor animal I had murdered in my sleep and my wings beat annoyingly against my back as if asking to be petted. My eyes had watered before my traitor tears slipped down my face and bile rose in my throat. This happened every morning once a month when I woke up to discover I had murdered once again. The feeling of guilt never seized to floor me as I shakily got to my feet before rushing into my house and taking the gun I barely ever used before flying two thousand feet up into the air where I know was.

"Come on, Amelia". I urged myself. In that precise moment right where my finger began to squeeze the trigger a loud bang resonated inside my head. I gripped the sides of my head in pain as the familiar vision filtered into my mind's eye.

Suddenly it was as if I was watching one of those old silent movies but with our today's colors. There was a girl maybe around thirteen years old sitting on her bed in a dark purple-ish room. She had very vibrant blonde hair in a boy cut and her eyes were the palest grey I've ever seen. The room around her was small but you could tell she spent allot of time in there voluntarily. Art decorated the walls while around her head board thousands of pictures decorated the walls.

Her small window slowly opened, so slowly you would never even tell if you weren't expecting it. Slowly almost shyly a small shadow began to filter in unnoticed. The shadow rushed under her bed before rising up the wall and taking the position of the girl's origal shadow reflected by the lamp next to her.

My vision stopped there but not before what seemed to be a series of news paper clipped information flashed before me.

47th and Maple Street

Younger sister to a FBI detective

Suffers from depression and hallucinations.

A loud sucking almost like the closing of a vortex resonated loudly throughout my head before my vision was restored once again. I felt a slight drip on my lower lip and lifted my hand on instinct to inspect the damage which I already knew was there. My nose would bleed every time I'd get a vision of a potential victim. Only difference is that now I was actually seen it happens. I sighed deeply before slowly flying down to my feet. The minute my toes graced the cold ground my grey wings tucked them back into my spinal cord almost knocking my breath and feet out of me.

"Not today, Aims. Not today." I murmured as I dropped the gun on the sofa and slowly made my way to my room.

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