Chapter 23- Love Me Slowly! *edited*

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Chapter 23- Love Me Slowly! *edited*

Amelia hide inside the bathroom, frustrated tears pooling in her eyes as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her red hair was naturally curled down to her waist and her not exactly skinny body looked odd in the pure white baby doll night dress. After half an hour of digging through her suit case, Amelia came to the conclusion that this was the less exposing of her cloths overall and took it with her to shower. Only realizing it was completely see through after putting it on. The fact that the baby doll brought a built in bra kept her from putting on one of hers. It was still see through though.

A series of knocks sounded on the door before Gabriel's voice came through the door. "Everything okay in there?" He asked concerned.

Amelia nodded idiotically before realizing he couldn't see her.

"Yes I'll be out in a minute." She assured.

She frantically looked around for a robe before snatching the nasty looking brown robe and throwing it over her cloths.

She silently opened the door, hoping Gabriel had gotten immersed in something in the forty five seconds it took her to put on her robe and opened the door but that wasn't the case.

He was standing right across the door giving her maybe a foot of distance between where she stood and him.

He was wearing only a pair of tight maroon boxers and a white shirt, his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed into a small frown.

"Why are you wearing that?" He asked suspiciously.

Amelia swallowed, frozen on the spot.

"I like it. It's pretty." She whispered.

Gabriel shook his head. "Didn't you say yesterday that it was the most hideous robe you'd ever seen?" He asked.

"It's soft." She tried again.

"Come on, Aims. What's going on?" He asked, stepping closer.

Amelia's chin wobbled before she slowly tugged the robe open shyly.

Gabriel's breath caught as he looked at the sexy dark skinned beauty that stood before him.

"Why you hiding behind that ugly robe?" He asked, slightly confused.

"I look like a tramp!" Amelia whispered hoping he wouldn't hear her.

But of course he did.

"Why? Because you're showing a little bit of skin? Because you're making your husband fall in love with your body like he's done already with your mind and soul?" He demanded.

Gabriel gripped Amelia's small waist and tugged her into his body as he pushed the ugly robe from her shoulders.

"You look beautiful and extremely alluring." He assured.

Amelia scoffed.

"You don't believe me, huh? I'll prove it." Gabriel teased.

He pressed his lower half completely against Amelia's and chuckled when her eyes widened and her face turned a beautiful scarlet red.

He hesitated but never the less bent down to press his lips to her neck. He peppered kisses down her neck before giving her a little tug upwards and hooking her thighs to either side of his waist. She was now a head taller than him and her red curls fell forward to create a curtain around them.

He continued the trail he had began and started to alternate between kissing and licking down past the valley of her neck, tugging her white baby doll off her body.

Amelia threw her hands around his neck and allowed him to continue down to her stomach before she was gently spun around and placed in the center of the bed.

"Please be gentle." Amelia couldn't help but whisper a little scared.

"I can love you slowly. Gently. Anyway you want my love." Gabriel whispered, his eyes gleaming.

Amelia gave him a tiny smile before tugging his white shirt over his head. Gabriel followed her lead and pulled her baby doll of her body. She was completely naked from the waist up, the only thing covering her was a pair of white cotton panties.

Many kisses later, Amelia pushed Gabriel's boxers off his lower body along with her own. Gabriel's chest fluttered as he pushed his body between her hips, allowing they're lower half's to meet.

"Are you ready?" Gabriel asked his voice shaking in want waiting until Amelia gave a shaky nod before proceeding.

Gabriel slowly lined himself up with Amelia before give a small thrust forward. Amelia gave a little gasp but otherwise made no signs of discomfort.

He intertwined his hands with Amelia's and placed them over their heads close to the headboard.

Gabriel locked his eyes with hers as he slowly thrust into her watching as her dilated pupils roamed all over his face and small gasps left her lips.


Amelia laid on Gabriel's chest an hour later, tracing small circles on his chest. Gabriel stroked her hair behind her ear and just watched the ceiling.

"You okay?" He whispered.

Amelia turned her face towards him and nodded.

"Are you sure? Amelia if I hurt you, you need to tell me." Gabriel demanded.

"Hurt me?" Amelia asked confused.

"Yes. I hurt you. You're not talking. I mean you don't usually talk but now you're talking less. So did I hurt you?" He blabbered.

Amelia giggled slightly. "I'm just enjoying the moment." She explained. "The warmth from your body. The way I feel loved and cared for and safe." She looked down at his chest and gave a tiny smile. "It feels nice!"

Gabriel's face softened. "Oh!"

Enjoy every moment. Enjoy the wind and the sun. Enjoy the tears and the smile. Just enjoy every moment with an open heart.

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