Chapter 18- Help! *edited*

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Chapter 18- Help! *edited*

Karen's eyes filled with tears as she watched her soul sister wrench into the toilet bowl for what seemed to be the fourth time today.

"Let me call for help Amelia. Please!" Karen pleaded helplessly.

Amelia shook her head and leaned her pale cold cheek against the side of the bowl.

"No. No one can know!" Amelia mumbled as she pulled herself onto her unsteady feet.

It's been two weeks since she'd last seen any of the hunters, the Ortiz family or Gabriel. The shadow within her grew each and every day and Amelia lost her strength quickly.

Alexander Corneliouse made it his personal goal to drive a wedge between her and her effort to fight.

Amelia had lost allot of weigh during those two weeks and nothing she did helped. The only way she knew of getting rid of the shadow within her was to fight it.

Karen helped Amelia back to bed and took her spot back on the chair next to it. She curled her legs up against her chest and watched as Amelia prepared herself to fight once more with the shadow.

Amelia closed her eyes and willed her body into a sense of peace. Just before sleep could take over Amelia was allowed to slip into her mind. Grey mist covered every 'surface' she could see. Amelia switched her eye sight to her internal vision and everything turned a purple shade. Amelia turned slowly before a figure crossed her path.

"Hello, Amelia. I thought you would've passed out by now." Alexander mocked.

Amelia frowned and tensed her body prepared for the fight that was sure to follow.

Alexander Corneliouse was in no hurry and simply waved her away.

"You're no fun." Alexander pouted. He paced the empty space and giggled to himself.

"So tell me, my dear. Where are your friends now? Aren't hunters prideful of sticking together?" He taunted.

Amelia didn't answer. She knew he was only baiting her but his words where true.

"What about that boy? Gabriel? Wasn't it?" He pressed a clawed finger to his chin in thought.

Amelia bit her lip as her inner demon fought within her to be unleashed. It was all she could do as her body trembled, every hair standing on edge as the air around her sizzled and crackled with pure malevolent energy.

Alexander watched Amelia with a pale smirk on his lips and raised his chin arrogantly at her. He had struck a nerve.

"Should I pay him a visit?" He taunted.

Amelia growled from the deepest part of her and lunged.

She grabbed onto his thin shoulders and dove her knee into his solar plea before back fisting his face. A nasty black gash tore open Alexander's face but just as simply, it closed shut painlessly before he pushed Amelia up into the air and slammed his fist into the left side of her ribs.

Amelia felt her ribs pop and her body twist in the air before a silent 'swoosh' allowed her pale grey wings to unfurl and gently set her on her feet. Her wings pushed below her chin and venom gleamed a layer over them. Her black claws made soft clinking noises as they grazed each other and Amelia hissed.

Karen watched as the small areas where Amelia was free of cuts and bruises became drenched in blood.

She couldn't watch anymore. This wasn't going to end well for Amelia. Karen stood to her feet and crossed the room to her purse and pulled her phone out. Her and Amelia where on her lock screen maybe as young as 17 and 18. They had been so young and care free.

A clammy hand clasped against Karen's bicep causing her to jolt up and swivel to face the person. Amelia was standing, sweat dripping from her body in rivulets.

"Call them Karen. I think I found a way to beat this..."


"In what fucking mind does it fit to go completely off grid and face this alone?" Andrew growled at his granddaughter and her friend.

Amelia sat on her recliner seat silently knowing they all had the right to be angry at her.

"And you, Karen, you should've called us the minute you realized what was going on. That was bluntly ignorant of both of you and unacceptable." Andrew's chest rose up and down quickly as Karen played with her hands like a kicked puppy.

"That's enough. What's done is done and we can't turn back the clock and change it. So let's move on." Amelia snapped.

Andrew arched a perfectly grey eyebrow and inclined his head for Amelia to go on. Eric and Leo stood on either side of the front door just watching as Amelia faced the rest of the hunters.

"I've been facing Alexander Corneliouse within my consciousness for the past two weeks. At first I wouldn't be able to hurt him in any way or form. But today I allowed my demon to take control and managed to hurt Alexander some."-Amelia explained.-"But since he's part of the world of shadows, he can regenerate quickly. So my plan was..." Amelia launched into as many details as possible as her body began to thrum with adrenaline.

There was suddenly a four rap knock on the door and silence reigned over the living room.

Amelia frowned confused and watched as Eric stuck his head out the door before opening the door wide and allowing three bodies to slip in quickly before the door closed and locked tightly.

Vanelope, Esteban and Gabriel stood straight with their chins raised as only Amelia and Karen looked at them questioningly.

"Why are you guys here?" Karen asked bluntly.

"Vanelope saw that you'd need us." Esteban quipped silently as Vanelope's eyes flashed a bright silver before returning to their normal color.

"Let's start we don't have much time."

No one ever said life was going to be easy.

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