Chapter 19- Hunters! *edited*

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Chapter 19- Hunters! *edited*

The room began to grow hot as every hunter, half shadow, seer and FBI agent began to go through the process of cleansing they're souls. Each person placed their hands on every door, window and mirror softly speaking the silent prayer of protection. "As a little piece of me leaves me, I pray to thee that those I love are protected." The protection words were spoken in three languages. English. Spanish. Latin.

Amelia sat quietly on the middle of the floor preparing herself for the biggest fight of her life. She wasn't fighting a battle of wills. She was now fighting for her soul.

As everyone finished they're small tour around Amelia's home, they all synchronized their watches for a three minute window of opportunity. That's all the time Amelia would have before she was forcibly woken by electricity. Amelia's heart began to pound erratically as everyone took they're designated spots around her.

She closed her eyes and willed her body into relaxation. Her fingers slowly began to twitch on her thighs as she slowly slipped into her mind. As usual the grey purple-ish cloud surrounded the space around Amelia, only now she didn't have to wait for Alexander Corneliouse. He was already awaiting her. He didn't waste any time and immediately lunged for her throat. Amelia dodged as quick as possible but Alexander caught her hair. He yanked on it and her back slammed against the 'floor'. The wind was knocked out of her and Alexander quick pinned her down. Amelia began to buck her body like a wild bull trying to knock him off her.

Alexander's claws missed her throat but her cloths weren't as lucky. Her shirt had huge slash marks all over as she finally bucked him off. She quickly flipped onto her hands and knees and tried to crawl away as fast as possible but a sharp kick to her stomach stopped her. Blows began to rain down on her as blood left her body in rivulets.

The hunters, Esteban, Vanelope and Gabriel watched in mute horror as Amelia's body thrashed around as blood seeped through her ruined cloths. Amelia soon began to cough up blood and Gabriel couldn't stand it no more.

"Can't any of you help her, damm it?" He yelled in fear. Vanelope gripped his hand and softly shook her head. Her eyes glowing a bright grey.

Amelia clutched her ribs in protest before pain exploded inside her skull as yet again Alexander's boot connected with her body.

"So many years of school and for what? Where's the little smart Amelia?" Alexander mocked before he punched the side of her exposed temple.

"I see nothing worth much. I only see garbage and a waste of human air." He spat.

'Only thirty seconds' Amelia whimpered to herself. She had to grab a hold of him now or this wouldn't end.

With the last bits of strength left within her, Amelia stood to her shaking feet. Alexander laughed at her and advanced on her pale body. Amelia quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on for dear life as he pulled her hair and punched her ribs to try to disengage her from him.














Amelia counted down along her watch and barely felt the electric current that sizzled through her as she was brought back into consciousness. Amelia dragged in a pain filled breath as Alexander escaped her hold only to smack against the invisible shield created around Amelia with salt and crystals. Amelia stood to her feet, locking her shaking knees in place and surrendered complete control to her demon. She couldn't hold on to her sanity any longer.



The demon thought as her wings, fangs and claws slid out from under her human skin. She looked around with a new understanding of life, not paying attention to the evil entity standing within the circle with her. She looked at her human's hunter family and inclined her head in greeting and respect.

They had kept her human safe while she had been away in the deepest part of her humans mind. Waiting for the moment to protect her like no one could.

Hey eyes met Gabriel's. His eyes were full of fear, confusion and curiosity. He was staring at her with such worry that waves seemed to exude from him. Her glowing purple eyes took full stock of him before slowly turning her back to him and facing Alexander Corneliouse.

Rage flooded the demon as Alexander Corneliouse sneered at her. The demon hissed menacingly and lunged for the shadow. Teeth and claws where met with a sorry excuse of forearms trying to protect his face. The demon tore the man to smithereens but within minutes the shadow was starting to reconstruct itself. That's when the hunters stepped in.

'We call upon our ancestors,

With the forces of the sun,

And the forces of the moon.

We call forth all the spirits of the wounded.

To end the misery that has wrecked havoc on this earth for too long.'

The demon smiled with her fangs flashing with the shadows blood before her hand burst through the demons chest. His heart beat lazily in her clutched fist before stopping all together. The shadows body turned to dust and stayed that way, his heart meeting the same fate.

The demon spat a glob of venom at the ashes and waited patiently until the hunters pulled the shield created for Alexander Corneliouse.

"Honey, is Amelia okay?" The hunter, Karen, was it? asked softly.

The demon nodded. "Human. Recovering. She. Not. Okay. Still. But. Soon." The demon struggled softly.

A frown marred her forehead as she tried to reconnect with her human side. It was present but only barely.

"Karen. We must get rid of any evidence of the shadow." Eric called.

Karen bowed her head slightly towards the demon before making her leave. Next came Vanelope. Her eyes where a pale grey. Meaning she was fully taped into her seer powers.

"When will Amelia be back?" She demanded.

The demon hissed at the seer menacingly.

"Human. Be. Back. When. Human. Safe." The demon growled.

Sometimes a person is so broken that only disconnecting from the world saves them.

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