Chapter 20- Two as One! *edited*

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Chapter 20- Two as One! *edited*

"Are you sure about this Gabriel?" Esteban asked.

A smile gracing my lips. The same smile that hadn't left my face since I'd arrange this whole fiasco. White flowers decorated the whole back yard along with Chinese lanterns hanging from tree branches in a straight row making an aisle.


It's been three months after Amelia's demon took over her body. I woke up this morning decided to get my girl back. I slipped on a pair of sweat pants and decided to leave off my shirt. I silently padded down to the kitchen where everyone was silently eating breakfast. As I began to pile my plate high with waffles, a pair of long fingers began to cares down my spine. Shivers racked my body and a soft groan slipped from my parted lips. I knew exactly who was touching me.

"Stop." I groaned.

My fingers turned white against the corners of my plate as I with held the primal instinct to turn around and make her feel exactly how I do.

'Amelia' pressed her lips against my ear and tugged lightly.

My eyes slammed shut against the unslot of pleasure.

"Stop." I growled.

Thankfully she backed off; otherwise I wouldn't have been able to hold myself back.

I grabbed my plate and took a seat on the bar where I could see exactly where 'Amelia' was.

She sat next to Eric smiling angelically as if she hadn't done anything.

I narrowed my eyes at her and begrudgingly ate my waffles.

Eric cleared his throat and as my eyes landed on him, he inclined his head towards the back yard. I immediately followed him.

"What's up?" I asked as soon as we'd come to lean against the fence facing the house.

"How long are you going to let Amelia's demon stay?" he demanded.

I arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Eric turned to face me and immediately launched into a full explanation.

"Now if you do this, I'm not sure but maybe it'll work." he concluded.

Immediately the hairs on my arm stood on end and my heart began to palpitate in excitement.

"Are you sure?" I demanded my mind going a mile a minute.

Eric shrugged and gave a small smile.

"It's how our ancestors did it. Her demon won't have a choice but realize Amelia's safe with you. "

I didn't wait any longer. I rushed into the house grabbed Karen by the arm and rushed upstairs with her.

"Gabriel what the fu-" she explained.

"You better not finish that sentence." I demanded way to happy for it to be scornful.

Karen's eyes pop opened. "What has happened to you? " she laughed as I bounced around the room quickly slipping on a pair of flip flops and a shirt, quickly slipping a credit card into Karen's hand. "Karen this is what you're going to do. You're going to take Amelia with you and my mom and sister and you're going to buy her a gorgeous dress.

Baby blue or baby pink which ever you think it's best and you're going to have her home by six. Buy you and the girls a pretty red short dress with no shoes. Then you're going to do your hairs and make up and all be ready by seven. I'll tell you the rest when you get home. Just whatever you do, don't let her see the back yard. Got it? Good. "I disappeared from her view before she could even answer and rushed out the house with Esteban and the rest of the guys.

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