Chapter 4- Vanelope! *edited*

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Chapter 4- Vanelope! *edited*

The front door opened and closed with a slam before the girl from my vision stepped foot into the kitchen with a man.

Vanelope was just like my vision if only a bit taller but seen as in my vision she was sitting down I could see the change. The man standing behind her was easily a foot and a half taller than me. He had short curly brown hair with dark brown eyes to match his 'I'm a softy persona'. My eyes lost focus for one second before they refocused but my internal vision had snapped on.

My internal vision was something simpler to explain. In non-scientific words I could see a person's true form. It totally rocks when you're a shadow hunter and need to see if a person has been possessed or not.

Vanelope's true essence was as I had suspected. She was herself only with a pure beautiful white light emanating from her.

The man standing behind her was difficult to understand. He was surrounded by a light grey haze covering his whole body. Half of him was like the man anybody else would see. But the other half of him was not so pretty. He had a fang pushing past his bottom lip dripping with blood, his right eye was a cruel red and his right arm sported wicked black claws. The man standing behind Vanelope was a shadow. But not a full one.

My eyes then zeroed in on his left hand. The hand that was lightly wrapped around Vanelope's shoulder blade. It was a normal human hand with the only abnormal thing been his claws. His left hand and Vanelope's shoulder were pulsing a strong vibrant pink color. The color only two soul mates could hold together.

My eyes snapped back to their normal vision as my mind turned and turned trying to understand the situation. Somewhere around me I heard Mrs. Ortiz introduce the man as an FBI agent whose name was Esteban.

Suddenly it all clicked into place. Why would the Shadows want an innocent little girl who's not even ventured into the darkness of the outside word? There was only one reason why. Vanelope Ortiz was the first girl in the world to turn a shadow back into a human being. One who no longer needed to hide among shadows and fears and nightmares? One who had his capable full working body and was a trusted citizen after all.

I tuned back into my surroundings and glanced at Eric. He inclined his head ever the slightest to the left. I discreetly fallowed his gaze to where it clashed with Esteban's body. He had extracted himself from Vanelope's shoulder and now stood against the wall, his face an ash white and a light sheet of sweat covered his body.

"Amelia and Eric here are going to be protecting Vanelope from a possible danger." Mrs. Ortiz explained.

"But seen as you know Vanelope's day to day schedule. Can we count on you to be of help to us?" I asked slowly.

Eric's nails dug into my elbow obviously having seen what I saw and not willing to put aside his mistrust for shadows.

Esteban's eyes flashed from Vanelope to me and back to her.

"I won't hurt her. She's my lillypad." Esteban murmured.

I nodded my head and urged him away from the wall with my fingers.

"I'll even wear a diamond if you want. But don't take me away from her." He pleaded.

My almost nonexistent empathy decided to rear its head once he'd mention wearing a crystal.

For shadows, crystals were one of their kryptonite along with salt and holy water. All these items had a pureness about them that shadows simply couldn't resist.

I moved lightly on the balls of my feet before I stood before him and took him awkwardly into my arms. "I believe you. But I need your help." I whispered.

I pulled back enough to see Esteban breathing deeply with his eyes squeezed shut as if he was awaiting death itself to come and drag him back to hell.

He slowly peeled his eyes opened before nodding. "Just tell me what to do!" He whimpered.

Bodily harm is strictly needed to stop me from pulling my hair out and crying until there's nothing left of me.

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