Chapter 11- Second Chances? *edited*

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Chapter 11- Second Chances? *edited*

The Hunters sat around the round kitchen table listening as Eric and Leo explained in details the events that had occurred before Karen and the two hunters had arrived.

Amelia sat quietly between Leo and Andrew her eyes not leaving her notebook as she sketched a pair of grey eyes that had haunted her dreams the night before. Her beautiful red hair had lost its shine and laid in a carefully artified braid down her back, her beautiful face bare of any make up and her cloths extremely comfortable.

"As we were waiting for you guys Amelia told me she had found the way to get the Shadow and all other Shadows to leave her alone." Eric said before all eyes switched to Amelia.

She, without looking up, turn her notebook to her grandfather and began to play with her sweatshirt sleeves.

"It says here that this process was done once. The only way to fully rid the girl of the Shadows is to allow the Shadow to posses the girl then somehow pass the demon into an animal and kill the animal." Andrew read slowly.

All the hunters nodded having of heard of the hypothesis as it was exposed many years before.

"There's only one way of knowing. Let's try it out." One of the two Hunters approved.

Everyone's eyes turn to Amelia as she gasped and her eyes turned white before back to her dark green eyes. "Use a donkey." She whispered.

No one questioned the youngest Hunter as they all split leaving her alone.

A door opened silently before a haggled Gabriel stepped out of his room. His hair looked as if it had been pulled all night, his grey eyes looked tired, he wore no shirt, a pair of black basketball and no shoes.

The minute Amelia laid eyes on him, her palms grew slick with sweat, her heart began to pick up speed and saliva began to accumulate in her mouth.

Gabriel puffed up his chest as Amelia checked him out.

He ignored his growing arousal and took the seat next to her.

"Umm can we talk?" He asked shyly.

Amelia blushed as his voice caressed her skin and warmed her insides. She nodded and kept her eyes on her hands.

"I didn't mean to disrespect you. I just found myself having these very strong feelings towards a girl I'd never met before. Someone older than me at that." He began to explain.

Amelia mentally did the math. Gabriel was 28 while she was 35. She was seven years older than him.

"I didn't know what to do so I just pushed you away. But you have to know the minute I met you I knew I couldn't continue with my girlfriend. So I broke up with her. I was trying to get my head together and I acted without thinking seen as everything is a danger to my sister now a days. Amelia can you look at me?" He pleaded, reaching out and taking Amelia's hands.

She gasped as electricity began to travel her body and her eyes met his.

"Can you forgive me? Will you allow me to start over with you?" He pleaded focusing on her eyes and the feeling he felt throughout his body as well.

Amelia immediately nodded. The curse of been a mate is that even if you break half the bond you will never give up on your mate.

The smile that graced Gabriel's face cause Amelia to blush and immediately look down.

Eric and Karen were about to step into the kitchen but stopped at the entrance and watched as Gabriel slowly leaned towards Amelia's down turned head. He bumped his nose against hers and slowly let their lips meet.

Amelia gasped into the kiss and latched onto Gabriel's wrist. Gabriel slipped his arms around her waist and tugged her closer deepening the kiss. He slowly savored her lips, her taste, before letting her lips leave his but not pull fully back.

Eric and Karen resisted the urge to squeal like teenage girls and instead cleared their throats. Amelia and Gabriel snapped their heads to the pair, they're bubble been broken.

"We need Lia to go with us to buy a few things." Eric said completely serious.

Amelia extracted herself from Gabriel's not so willing arms and quickly walked towards Eric and Karen.

Gabriel bit his bottom lip as he checked out his mate's tight body.

"I'll see you later!" He winked when she peeked over her shoulder to look back at him.


After buying a donkey, lots of salt, a barrel of holly water and allot of medical supplies incase anything went wrong, Leo and Karen went to explain what would be going on during the next day to the Ortiz family. Eric went to call his family and Amelia retired to take a shower.

She stripped off her clothes, slipped on a robe and adjusted the temperature of the water as the bath tub began to fill itself. Suddenly a pair of warm hands landed on her shoulders and Amelia did the only thing she knew to do in those situations. She tried to elbowed the person but her elbow was easily caught and arms wrapped around her.

"Shush, it's me." An amused voice, Gabriel's to be exact, whispered.

Amelia gasped shocked as he rocked her in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" She asked tugging her robe down to cover more of her legs.

"Well seen as we are meant to be and how well have forever to be together why be so formal. I want to shower or bathe in this case with you." He said straight forward.

Amelia racked her head trying to look for an excuse to say no but he was right. They didn't have to go through all the prohibitations with each other when they had forever.

"Okay." Amelia whispered shyly.

Gabriel turned her his way as he slowly began to peel of his white shirt, his black basketball shorts and boxers.

Amelia blushed and safely kept her eyes above waist level.

"Your turn!" He smirked standing proudly in all his naked glory.

Amelia laid her hands on the knot of her robe and slowly unknotted it. She watched as her hands pulled the robe of her body and let it slip to the floor. Gabriel's gasp was audible as he couldn't take his eyes off her body.

He took her hand and lifted her into the tub with him. He sat down and pulled her between his legs and urged her to rest her head against his chest.

Meanwhile Karen and Eric leaned they're heads against the bathroom door listening in on they're conversation. Once it all grew quiet Karen pounded three hard times on the door and laughed as Amelia squealed in shock.

"No babies please!" She yelled through the door giggling.

Laughing is the medicine to the soul!

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