Chapter 24- Oh God! *edited*

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Chapter 24- Oh God! *edited*

"Karen shut up." I groaned.

I laid on my couch about two weeks after my honeymoon as Karen complained about my weird cravings for spicy food mixed with sugar.

Gabriel was moving his stuff into the new small two bedroom house we'd recently bought along with the rest of the hunters.

Meanwhile I ignored Karen as I kept shoveling jalapeño flavored cheetos with a can of whip cream sitting on my lap.

"Girl, I swear if I have to hear my mother complaining about me not being pregnant I'm going to shoot myself in the head." She whined.

I giggled. "Jeje, you imagine us pregnant. We'd be such bad moms."

"Well at the rate your eating, you're going to look pregnant." Karen snorted.

My hand froze on its way to my mouth as my mind suddenly started going back, counting.

Karen waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello? What's wrong? I was only kidding." Karen frowned.

I put the can of whip cream and bag of cheetos on the coffee table into of me and quickly rushed to my room for my phone.

I quickly pulled up my calendar and just like I had thought. My period was three weeks late.

"Karen come on. We need to go to the pharmacy." I urged.

Karen frowned but quickly put on her shoes and followed me out to my car.


Once at the pharmacy, I quickly rushed towards the isle that held all the pregnancy tests.

"Amelia I was only kidding." Karen said confused.

I grabbed three different tests. "Karen I'm three weeks late." I explained as I rushed to the counter.

The older lady turned her nose up at me and handed me my bag with a frown. I handed her the exact money before pulling Karen back to my car.

"Wait, you guys didn't use protection?" Karen asked.

I steered my car into my drive way, glad no one was back yet. "Karen, if we left that God forsaken bed once a day it was only to shower, eat and use the bathroom. Nothing else." I muttered, my cheeks blazing red.

"Wow." She whispered. "And you guys called me the freak." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and rushed inside.


Six minutes left.

"Is it done?"

"Not yet, K."

Five minutes left.



Three minutes left.


"Stop asking, no!"

Two minutes left.

"Is it done now?"

"Shut up, Karen!"

One minute left.

"Uh, it's done! It's done! Look! Look!" Karen yelled as all three tests revealed the answer.

I picked up the first test. "... Positive..."

Karen grabbed the second one and turned it towards me. "... Positive... "

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