Chapter 13: Human Fear! *edited*

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Chapter 13: Human Fear! *edited*

Amelia laid in bed alone around three in the morning. Her injured leg raised up by a mound of pillows. The donkey bite was throbbing and oozing black liquid.

Her body was covered in sweat as she tried unsuccessfully to get a wink of sleep before sunrise. Suddenly the darkened room began to take on a sinister vibe that immediately caused Amelia to sit up in bed.

A shadow slipped in front of the hotel closed window. It stood about six feet tall with a wide body. This was not a shadow. Amelia knew it because the only thing to cause nausea to immediately course through her body was a full grown man intent on doing anything but good.

The window slowly slide open allowing a soft breeze to slide into the room. Amelia swallowed as panic began to run through her. Her heart beat picked up as the man easily slid into the room. She was completely alone in the hotel room seen as she had asked to be alone and everyone had decided to bunk in the Ortiz's room for one night.

"Hey there buttercup. You ready for some fun?" The man chuckled.

Amelia drew her legs into her body ignoring the crippling pain that coursed through her body at the sudden movement.

The sleaze ball began to take off his belt and Amelia let her nails extend to their full length prepared to defend herself at all costs.

Gabriel opened the hotel room door with the master key card he got from Leo and turned on the front lights.

He knew it was late but he had tossed and turned the whole night just by thinking of Amelia all by herself and injured.

As he closed the door and dropped the key card onto the little side table he heard a loud thump. One too loud for just Amelia's body weight to have fallen on it. He rushed into the room and froze as a man reached for a cornered Amelia and dragged her into his lap. Amelia thrashed and the man realizing he had company turned so his back was towards the window. He slowly began to back up as Gabriel took measured steps into the room.

Amelia's eyes locked with Gabriel's before suddenly the man took his small serrated knife and dug it into Amelia's cheek bone.

Amelia yelled out as the knife created a nasty cut over her face. The man threw Amelia onto the bed and dashed out the window.

Gabriel had a choice to make. He could either stay with Amelia and comfort her or he could go after the man that had hurt her and make sure he didn't hurt anyone else.

Gabriel took one last look at his soul and dashed out the room. He ran across the hall and banged on the door across the hall.

Immediately Leo opened the door just as Gabriel rushed down the hall towards the stairs.

"Go to Amelia!" He yelled before rushing down the stairs and into the freezing cold night.

He took in a deep breath ignoring his already cold feet and chest and raced off down the street where he could vaguely see the ghost of a man running. Gabriel quickly took pursuit after taking his on duty gun out of his car and throwing his badge over his neck on its chain. He easily caught up to the guy as he weaved in between buildings and tripped trying to jump over the fence. Gabriel quickly jumped up after the man and tackled him over the fence causing the man to break his fall. The man spluttered as Gabriel harshly flipped him onto his back and locked the cuffs into place. Anger clouded Gabriel's better judgment and before he could control himself his fist met the man's face head on and a loud crack was heard as the man's nose snapped.

The man was so weak that the minute Gabriel broke his nose, he fell unconscious.

"Shit!" Gabriel cursed.

He leaned the man against the wall and slipped into the bar through the back door of the alley. He hadn't even noticed the man had been leading him towards the middle of town.

Gabriel quickly located a phone and called in for a police officer to pick up the body then meet him back at the hotel room for a scheduled break in report. He knew that by now Amelia would be healed physically and he didn't want people asking unwanted questions.

Amelia laid in bed once more as her partner Eric sat by her side.

None of the hunters had left her alone since Gabriel banged on the door only leaving Sebastian to protect the Ortiz family in case anything else happened.

Eric's hand rubbed soothingly over Amelia's hair but Amelia no longer felt the comfort she needed in that simple touch. She found that the only touch she wanted was Gabriel's. But now she didn't know if she wanted him to see her even though the city that had been sliced into her skin was now an ugly scar.

She was a monster before now she was monster looking in her human form too.

Tears prickled her eyes but she refused to cry for herself. She had to be strong to take what would come from now.

A shadow had been inside her body. The first time was the hardest time to ever posses a body but after that it was like turning on a light switch. Only now it was like evil was turning off her soul.

Was she scared? Yes!

Was it going to stop her? No, not a chance!

Fear is strength in disguised

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