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A/N: Heeey my lovely readers....so i know i've been gone for ages...but its coz to be honest i was busy with my first year at university that in the end i lost the joy in writing. in that whenever i sat down to type, nothing came out of my brain. anyway thanks to all your messages and comments urging me to write the next chapter, i forced myself to overcome the biggest writers block in history and here is the next chapter.

i have been abit out of practice so my writing my be a bit rusty, but dnt judge me to harshly....:DD...love you all!....<3.

*dedicated to sammy girl coz, boy have you been pestering me to upload! you last reminder is what literally made me open up my computer and start typing...hahaha..

Chapter twenty three

"Ah, oppa! Sorry. I just got caught up speaking to my new friend-"then realising that they didn't know each other's names,

"Rebekka!" Bekka stretched out her hand to greet him.

"Rebekka, nice to meet you." The new guy put his hand in hers.

"Rebekka this is my brother Kevin."

Sandra finished the introductions.

"Likewise Kevin"

"Have we met before?" a few seconds passed before Kevin said suddenly.

"Uhh, am not sure, I haven't been in England for over a year." Bekka was wary as she answered.

"No, am sure we have. One year ago, in the park. You were studying mandarin was it?" Kevin pointed at her as realisation dawned on him . It took a moment for Rebekka to catch onto what he was saying but all too soon the memory came back to her in a rush.

"It was Cantonese actually, but I remember alright. You're the guy who made me spill my drink all over my jeans ..." She crossed her arms as she looked at the boy who looked all too familiar now that she thought back. He had changed a little from the last time she had seen him though. I mean now he had shorter hair that was combed away from his face at the moment allowing her to see his features properly and she had to admit, he wasn't bad looking at all. Bekka finished her mental appraisal.

"Seriously, you still remember that?" A small smile played on Kevin's mouth at the memory.

" Heck yeah I remember, I lost my favourite jeans that day!"

" And in my defence I offered to pay for dry cleaning WHICH you turned down if I remember correctly" Kevin lifted up his hands in surrender while chuckling. He was taking the whole thing like a big joke. Which it probably was if she could just get over the part of her jeans being ruined. But she couldn't. And the fact that he was taking this lightly was putting him nowhere near her good books.

"That is beside the point!..."

"Hey, Bekka are you okay?" Bekka was still in the middle of relaying her argument when she was interrupted by a voice besides her. Looking to her side she saw min woo standing beside her with his hands in his pockets.

"Min woo!" Bekka started, her voice sounding high pitched all of a sudden, "umm, I was just, umm" Bekka didn't even know why she was stuttering like an idiot. It's not like she had been doing anything wrong. Why then did she feel bad for some reason? Was it because despite her earlier dramatic exit he still looked at her with so much care and gentleness? Or maybe it was the hand he had just put at the small of her back. She didn't know why but whenever he did that her senses went on high alert. I mean a lot of her guy friends had done that many times and it had never had the same effect as it did when he did it. Bekka was still in her temporary Trans when Sandra gave up waiting for her to make the necessary introductions.

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