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A/N: the story ges better as you read on, because i am getting closer to my favourite chapter

Chapter Two

"South Korea...SOUTH KOREA...south Korea" those were the last two words Bekka heard before the little flicker of hope in her heart faded. Her ears seemed to have gone temporarily deaf as her mum's voice faded into the background. Black spots started to appear in front of her eyes as the room began tilting on its axis. And all of a sudden she was feeling like there was a shortage of oxygen supply.

"Bekka...can you hear me...Bekka!" she could faintly hear her mum shouting trying to get her out of her trans. oh no, I can't black out...I can't, not again! Focus! Focus! Focus! And after saying that a couple of times, her mum's voice finally managed to penetrate through the haze that clogged Bekka's mind. The room started to stabilize and her mum's face came in focus again. The constriction in her chest also started to gradually ease. Simultaneous to all this happening, a cool, numb feeling washed over her as she gradually started to feel nothing.

"Bekka I know that you are upset. In fact make that livid. But listen to me; this is the last time that we will be moving I promise." Bekka could now hear the desperation in her mother's voice as she tried to make her understand. But all she could think about at the time was running. Running far away from: her mum, this house and a life that had brought her more sadness and loneliness than happiness. So following her heart, she did just that. She got her car keys and brushed past her mum to run to the only sanctuary she had. Her car! Despite all the movements they had made, her car was one thing that had stayed constant. When they moved states in America it was easy to just drive it. But even when they had moved to Europe, she had begged her mum to ship it over. A wish she obliged to in attempt to make it up to her AGAIN.

So reaching there, she put the key in the ignition and reversed out of her front yard with skill she didn't even know she possessed. After that she just kept on going at 70 mph not having any destination in mind but just knowing she had to drive. She knew she was being too dramatic but she didn't care at the time. After what felt like hours, she finally came to a stop. Bekka didn't really noticed where she was or how she got there but a look outside the window showed that she was outside BuryKnowle Park. This was her and Rona's park. They always came here after school or if they just needed some bonding time. Bekka hadn't realized it yet but she really did need her best friend right now. Nevertheless she slowly got out of her car not minding that it was on double, yellow lines. Her mum would have to take care of that later. After all she was part of the cause. Spotting the swings they always sat at, Bekka made her way across the massive field to the centre of the park and sat on one of the swings. Luckily for her the place seemed empty that day. But then again she wasn't surprised seeing as it was a rather cold day. But for the first time in her life, Bekka didn't mind the cold. In fact that was the only kind of feeling that showed she was not yet completely frozen from the maelstrom of emotions in her shattered heart.

Bekka sat at the swings for an extensive amount of time; just going over the jumbled pieces she called a life. And it was as she raised her hand to scratch an itch on her cheeks that she felt they were wet. She had been crying. I guess she wasn't completely numb as she thought. By now the cold was also starting to really pierce through the fabric of her beige Mink-Pink Pompous Knitted Jumper.  She was thinking of heading somewhere warm- the Starbucks round the corner to be precise- when she spotted the only other lone figure in the park. And it was heading towards her-well maybe not her but definitely the play area. It was getting rather dark by now, obscuring her vision, but by the sway of the figure's hips and the body build, she could tell it was a girl. She was petite and her mass of curly hair was being blown over her shoulder due to the slightly windy conditions. Bekka tried to adjust her eyes to see the girls face better because, to be honest she was getting slightly scared-no, not scared, slightly unnerved that's all. Which was reasonable considering she was in a wide park in the dark- right? Or maybe she was just being stupid. Either way, it would've helped to see the girl's face. However Bekka needn't have worried because as she was too busy berating herself for her uncontrollable emotions, the girl- who she now realized was none other than-

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