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heey people, so its holidays finally and a few things happened that got me back into the mood for writing so i will try and upload at least one chapter a week like i used to at the start...thank you guys again for your patience and welcome to all my new readers...:D. i hope you like this chapter,,,loveyou guys!!

*pic of countryside cottage on the right..:D

Chapter twenty six

The kiss was so gentle as if Min woo was still unsure of himself. However, it intensified when Bekka open her lips to let him in. Min woo didn't waste a second as he deepened the kiss pouring every ounce of emotion he had held back for the past couple of weeks. His passion was matched by Rebekka's own as she pushed her hands through his hair to pull him even closer. When they were both running out air, they hesitantly pulled apart simultaneously but they foreheads remained touching, as if both parties could not stand losing all form of contact with the other. Breathless but smiling widely, Min woo was the first one to speak.

"Has anyone ever told you that you speak too much miss Daniels?"

"And has anyone told u that interrupting a lady when she is speaking is rude and ungentlemanly Mr Kim?" Bekka's smile matched Min Woo's and the happiness that laced her words was unmissable.

"in that case, I offer my sincere apologies!" Min Woo's chuckle showed that he was nowhere near sorry.

"no, am sorry." Bekka,s voice suddenly took on a serious tone as the meaning of the word took on a different meaning in her head.

"Sorry for what Bekka?" with concern Min Woo's hand that was at Bekka's neck now came to caress her cheek.

"for taking so long to accept what everyone else-and even myself- already knew deep down.i wasted so much time fighting my feelings for you out of my cowardice when all this time-"

"no Bekka!" Min Woo's tone held do much conviction and authority. Holding her gaze, he continued, "don't ever apologise for your feelings. You had very valid reasons for feeling the way you did and I for one understand then all too well. And besides,.." his previous teasing smile returned," I enjoyed the chase. It was worth it and makes what we have that much more solid." Bekka could see where he was coming from but the thought of him leaving in a couple of hours just reminded her of all the time they could have enjoyed even more if not for her stupid fears.

"yeah but I wasted so much time that-" for the second time in the space of 5 minutes Min woo cut her off with another searing kiss. This time it only lasted a few seconds but still had the same effect on her senses as a full blown make out session. Taking a few seconds to recover her ability to make coherent thought, Bekka slowly opened her eyes that had involuntarily closed when her lips had been assaulted.

"Is this gonna be a habit Mr Kim? Cause-" Bekka was silenced yet again by another quick peck on the lips.Min woo who wore the expression of a naughty kid who was caught in the act but showing no remorse.

"Am just as a victim of this as you are. "He said innocently. " and like I said, I have been dying to do that for a long time so I guess am just making up for lost time."

"Riiight, is that so? Sorry, remind me, what else was on this list of things you've wanted to do?" Bekka was busking in his attention and deeply enjoying the light banter they always had, which today seemed to be ten times more enjoyable with the tinge of flirtation.

"Hmm, trust me, a lot more." a small smirk played on his lips making him look sexier than ever before. Rebekka had never seen this flirtatious side of him and she loved it! Although she was worried at the constantly high rate that her heart had been beating since she saw him at the front door that evening "But for now I think I will settle with holding you in my eyes." Min woo leaned back on the bench pulling Bekka with him and tacked her into his side like he had done all those many nights ago when he had found her crying on the roof. It seemed like a lifetime ago and he couldn't believe how much had happened in the weeks that followed and he wouldn't change a thing.

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