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Dedicated to sana400 for being the first to leave a comment...:)

*pic of her house on right

Chapter Three

When Bekka got onto the plane, she looked for seat, dropped her hand luggage next to it and curled up tucking her knees under chin. For once in her life she was thankful that her mum worked as much as she did, because it meant that she got to enjoy the solitary cabin and comfy sofas that the BA (British Airways) first class had to offer. She was also able to look out the window to the ever disappearing city as the plane took off higher and higher. This was something she always did as a way of taking in as much of her old home as possible. It was also her way of saying bye to the life she was leaving and prepare herself for the future. Usually this ritual calmed her down but for a reason unknown to her, her emotions stayed all over the place. So getting frustrated, she pulled down the shutters and resorted to one other thing that helped her calm down. Music. Reaching for her purple Beats headphones that rested around her neck—I know what you are thinking, but NO. She is not a Justin Beiber fan. She just happened to love the color purple—she positioned them over her ears. She had always loved Beats for the main reason that they blocked out the outside world and she just hoped that they come through for her today. After she had adjusted them so that they fit perfectly round her head, she pushed her hands into her pockets in search of her iPod. However, as she pulled it out, her came in contact a sharp edge.

"Ouch!" she yelped as she pulled out her hand to take closer inspection of her finger.

"A paper cut!...great! exactly what need today. I sure as hell didn't save a nation in my past life." She mumbled sarcastically to herself. Eager to see what caused this, she yanked the folded paper from her pocket. "This best be worth it." she thought to herself. Flipping the paper a couple of times in search for anything that gave away what was inside it, she stilled. because scribbled in the middle of it, in a handwriting she knew all too well, were four letters, two syllables, one word: RONA

Rona had always been crap at expressing her inner most feelings face to face. Instead she preferred to put it down on paper. A concept Bekka had always found old-fashioned but cute for a girl who seemed to bubbly and confident around everyone. Before unfolding it, Bekka's tears were already coming to the surface just waiting for release. But she reined them in and proceeded to flip over the remaining fold, sighed and prepared herself for her heart to crumble a thousand times;


I kno this is cowardly of me, but if I dnt write it down on paper, I dnt think I will be able to say it face to face. You kno I have never been one to say how I feel straight here we go.

*sigh* I don't even know where to start.

When I got this pen and paper, I was intending on writing the longest letter you and I had ever seen...:)..But then as I thought about what to write, I realized that there's no right way for me to say goodbye. So I decided that I won't say goodbye because I kno that even tho we are miles apart, infact make that continents apart, we are still best friends and the sister I never had. So don't be surprised when I wake up in the morning complaining to you about the latest argument I had with my mum.

I love you so much...(altho I think am in danger of lovin jallen more)

...joking! As if that will ever happen.

Ps: so you have to call me every day..and I mean it, every single day. I kno I might sound posessive but, life is too short and we take a lot of things for granted. A lot of our loved ones for granted that when we do loose them, we regret...:)

YOURS lovingly ,missingly and seriously


Trust Rona to write an informal letter and then try to end it as formally as possible. Bekka smiled to herself. Folding the paper, she did not realize that tears were streaming down her face. But they were not of sadness because she also had the biggest smile on her face. Rona was right, this was not good bye. Bekka had feared that she was going to lose contact with all her friends like she did in the past. Not that she always intended it, but in the past most of her friends had kept in contact for a few months before they got tired of calling or they became busy with their lives and probably new friends that over time, communication seemed to lessen until they was none at all. So she was relieved that Rona was thinking along the same line as her. Although she was a bit put out by the seriousness of the last part of the letter. It almost seemed like Rona knew something she wasn't saying. But then again I guess your friend moving countries is sad enough to get you thinking about life, Bekka mused.

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