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A/N: here is the next chapter. thank you so much for all the surport people, it really does actaully make me sit down on ma computer to write when i would rather just curl up in my bed reading 'silence' by bekka fitzpatrick. that is a good series by the way. there are three books and silence is the last one, with 'hush hush' being the first one..:D and sorry for any typos or mistakes, was forced to write this in a loud atmosphere

*pic of Rona on side.

Chapter Fifteen

When Rebekka got home that evening she just dumped all the shopping bags she had on her bed and headed straight for the shower. The day had been great and she had enjoyed spending time with her mother but it had also left her physically and mentally tired. Instead of helping her resolve her feeling towards him, Min woo's apology had just complicated them even more. And to be honest she didn't think she was in the right state of mind to even think coherently at the point. She also remembered that she had to call Rona's mum but at the moment she just need a long warm bath.

45 minutes later of a long relaxing soak, Bekka felt fresh and human enough to talk without falling asleep. So quickly digging out a pair of her warmest pyjamas, she put them on before braiding her hair. Once that was done Rebekka headed down stairs to find her mum humming to herself in the kitchen.

"Your 'kay mum?" the food smelt so nice as Rebekka went to stand behind her mum to look over her shoulder into the pan.

"Yes, I'm just making your favourite pasta, Ms Daniels announced happily.

"Linguini carbonara? Nice! Now I definitely can't wait for dinner." then remembering her other task to do, "but first I need to call Mrs Burns and see what is happening." Rebekka made her way to the living room and sat herself on one of the cosy creamy sofas that faced the massive 82 inch TV. "Here goes nothing!" she muttered to herself as she reached for the nearby phone and dialled the Burns' residence landline but after five trials with still no answer it occurred to her that they might not be at home. So she decided to call Mrs Burns mobile instead already sure that Rona's phone would most definitely be off like it was all the other times Bekka had tried to call. This time the phone only rung thrice before an anxious "hello" was heard on the other side of the line.

"Hello, Mrs Burns, its Rebekka. My mum said you left a massage earlier, is this a good time to talk?" Rebekka was hesitant because she didn't know if her call had just interrupted something important.

"Oh, Rebekka darling! Thank God you called." Mrs Burns sighed deeply "And now is the perfect time." Mrs burns' voice was laced with relief as if Rebekka's call had just solve her biggest problem.

"I'm sorry for calling this early..."it was around 5:00 pm in Seoul which means that it must be around 8:00am in England as they were 9 hours behind. "...but my mum told me that you sounded urgent so I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. And I also haven't spoken to Rona in ages so I can't help but worry that something is wrong."

"oh don't worry about the time lovey, it's just that Rona was asking to speak to you earlier but she's asleep at the moment, so-"

Rebekka thought she heard someone mutter something like "mum?" before Mrs Burns told her to wait a second. She then heard some shuffling in the background as a conversation was going on. Although she tried to strain her ears, Bekka couldn't quite make out what was being said, as the voices seemed too faint. This carried on for a minute or two before Mrs Burns came back to the phone.

"Rebekka darling, you are in luck because Rona just woke up. So here you go."

After a little more shuffling, a voice that Rebekka knew all too well came onto the phone.

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