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"Bekka." He grabbed her hand as he sat down next to her causing her to tear her eyes away from whatever she was looking at out of the window.

"Hey," she said softly, "Min woo, what is going on?" she sought out his eyes because she knew she his eyes could never lie to her.

"Nothing you need to worry about, I am sorting things out, okay?" Min woo tried to reassure Rebekka by caressing her cheek.

"No Min woo, not okay. We should be sorting this out together. This is as much about me just as it is you. What happened to, 'we are in this together'?"

Min woo tried to avoid her gaze preferring to look at their joint hands for ages, "I know.... I know. it's just that, this is my way of trying to protect you from all of this," he finally looked at her. When their eyes met, Rebekka could see the conflicted emotions. Where she had seen authority before, she could also see vulnerability now. He was definitely nowhere near okay.

"You don't need to protect me from everything. I knew what I was getting myself into when I said yes to you that day on the beach. So let me share some of the responsibility for my decisions, hmm?" Rebecca reached gave his hands a little squeeze.

"This is how I always deal with things. I guess I am not used to 'sharing' responsibility." he gave her a sad smile. "Am sorry. I promised when we get home I will try to be as open with you as possible." He caressed her hand. "okay?"

"Okay." She replied with a smile. Min woo let out a huge sigh of defeat. There was no winning against this girl, he smiled to himself.

The flight lasted another 45 mins until they touched down. Upon arriving at the airport, they had to use the usual public terminals to exit. He had tried to call in favours with the airport management to try and get them a more private exit that would lead straight to his car. However, due to the fact that everything was last minute, the private exit had already been reserved for the president of china who was also coming into the country for some kind of seminar. So they had no choice but to face the frenzy mob of reporters and members of the public who awaited them. Just as they were about to emerge from the terminal Bekka suddenly stopped. She couldn't believe it was happening now. While in the safe haven of the villa at Jeju it was easy for her to be optimistic about the whole situation. But now that the reality of it was just a few meters away, she started to have a panic attack. And the fact that Min woo had already told her some of the things that were already being said about her did not help.

"Bekka, are you okay?" Min woo was by her side in an instant. Hands on her shoulders.

"I don't know if I can do this?" She breathed as she looked at him, panic written all over her face.

"hey, hey Bekka..." Min woo put his hands on either side of her face, "look at me." He urged her when she started almost hyperventilating.

"You are gonna be fine, okay... we are gonna be fine." He said in a determined voice. "...and remember, I am gonna be right beside you every step of the way, alright." Bekka nodded. The look of confidence and reassurance from Min woo finally started to calm her down.

"Okay... am good. Your right, let's do this." She took in one last deep breath. Min woo was right, they would be fine. And she was never one to get scared or back down that easily. Min woo reached out his hand to her. With a new determined resolve Bekka put her hand in his.

"Don't let go of my hand no matter what." he enveloped it in a strong but comforting grip. she nodded again. "Also, put these on." Min woo handed her a small black box. When Bekka opened it, there were a pair of black stylish Burberry sunglasses. Without a word, she just did as she was told because she anticipated what was to come. Yet again she was amazed at just how thorough Min woo was but she hadn't even thought about getting sunglasses. The boy was always 10 steps ahead of her. No wonder everyone called him a genius. "Just look forward no matter what anyone says, and within a minute or two, this will all be over. Hmm?"

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