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*pic of Joo tae hyung on right..:)..i love him.

chapter eight

"Omg, Joesong haeyo! [(Said: che-su-neyo)] I'm sorry] "trust her to mix two languages in the same sentences. She knew she had to stop doing that but, it was just some kind reflex to be honest. Anyway, whoever she had walked into didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn't care, whatever the case might be, It didn't seem to matter because as she lifted her head from its bowed down position, she was surprised to find that it was no other than the "café boy. She really needed to stop calling him that and actually find out his name. But it seems like she needn't have worried because as he soon as he regained from the surprise of being bumped into, he recognized her and his face beamed. No- honestly it did and the happiness on his face was reflected in his voice when he gave a slight bow to say,

"Ah, annyong hasaeyo"

"Oh, annyong!" she answered giving a slightly awkward bow

"My name is Joo Tae Hyung!" he told her in his not so perfect English as he extended his hand with a little more force than needed, before adding a smile, as if sensing his mistake.

"Oh, am Rebekka Daniels. But Rebekka will be fine." She replied returning the smile as she put her small hand in his big one. For some strange reason a weird sensation washed over her as their hands meet but she couldn't explain it. All she knew is that it was good and she immediately missed it when he reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Frowning a little at how she was feeling, Rebekka, gave her head a little shake and said,

"So, am guessing you're on break?" she asked pointing at the helmet he had in his hand. By the looks of it, he had a motorbike.

"Oh, um, actually no, am not working today. I guess they realised even I value my Saturdays, and I have a lot of other things I would much rather do than spend them behind that counter."

"Really, so what are those things that would much rather do then? Bekka heard herself asking. Normally she would not be this straight forward with someone she doesn't know that well, but when she was with him, she just found herself being...well...herself. Unfortunately he might've found her question impolite and he said,

"Umm, well. Uh.."

"Look you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She hurried to say sensing his hesitation.

"No, it's not that!" he quickly assured her. Then letting out an uneasy laugh, he went on to explain himself. "It's just this place I usually go to when I need to relax. And-"

"And it's kind of private. Look, as I sed, its fine. I understand. I don't blame you. We don't know each other that well so it's fine. If anything, sorry I asked." As Rebekka said that, she wasn't lying but a part of her was slightly saddened by the reality that he didn't trust her that much. Which was completely understandable, but it didn't change how she felt.

"No, listen..." he started as he passed his hands through his hair, "...the only reason I was hesitant is because, you might think am boring and a bit sad to spend my only free Saturday on a cold deserted beach in the middle of winter. "And the look on his face showed that he was sincere. Which got rid of the earlier sinking feeling that Bekka had felt a few seconds ago.

"A secluded beach?" by now Rebekka's curiosity was already picked and there was no stopping her.

"Yep, it's in Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do. So I was just heading there now." Then seeing Rebekka's curious but excited face, he asked, "Do you want come along. Unless of course if you're busy, then-"

"Ani, bappeun anya![no, I'm not busy] And I would love to come along." She announced smiling once again mixing English and Korean in the same sentence. Oh well, he might as well get used to it if they are going to become friends, which she really hoped they did. And honestly, she couldn't imagine anything she would rather do that day. She definitely wasn't in the mood to be alone, then of course she was already intrigued by the mystery beach. So put those reasons together and you get a really excited Rebekka at that moment.

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