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a/n: not gonna make any excuses about the rare updates...but here is the next chapter. hope u enjoy it...:D

ps: pic of kevin (yes i know jordan is not mixed korean and nepali but he is the image i have in mind for kevin)

play the video when kevin starts narrating his story.(this song has me in tear everytime i listen to it..:))

Twenty seven

"Good night guys" Sandra was the first one to bid her good nights right after dinner. The trio had come back from their day adventures in the late evening just as the sun was setting in the horizon. They were all so exhausted that dinner was kept quick and simple. Sandra as the certified cook for the weekend had whipped up a quick stir fry with chicken and egg noodles while Kevin had surprised them by making a pretty good egg fried rice with seafood. The conservation during tea had been kept light and quite funny as sister and brother never stopped bickering. They were always at each other's throat but underneath the surface you could tell that they cared so much about each other. This was also evident in their gestures towards each other, like the way Kevin always subconsciously always opened every tight tin, bottle of ingredients that Sandra needed while cooking. Or the way Sandra seemed to always correct Kevin's clothing if it was out of place, e.g. straighten his collar, re-iron his shirt if was not ironed and even the way they exchanged items of food during meals. Rebekka had never really minded being the only child but since she met these two, she kept wondering how life could have been with a sibling. Maybe she would not have been as lonely, maybe she would not have been too sad about moving countries because she would always have a friend for life who understood exactly how she felt, someone she could always lean on like Sandra and Kevin, someone she didn't have to explain herself to in fear of being misunderstood.

"Night sis!" Kevin gave Sandra a quick peck on the cheek. "See you tomorrow"

"Bye Sandra thanks for today." The two girls hugged and Sandra ascended the stairs.

After Sandra had left, Kevin and Rebekka finished washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. It was meant to be Bekka's job as she had contributed little to nothing towards dinner but Kevin being the gentleman he was insisted on helping her out despite her declining his offer numerous times. In the end Bekka was thankful that he had insisted because it meant that they finished quicker as she realised the events of the past 24 hours were actually catching up with her and she needed a bed soon before she passed out. When that was done, she thanked Kevin for helping her again and with another quick hug good night they all headed to their respective rooms.

Immediately Rebekka got into her room she stripped off her clothes one by one as she headed for the shower intending to blast her skin with hot water for 30 minutes as she usually did whenever she needed to relax the muscles in her body. 30 minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a large white towel. On days like this she always liked to have a deep cleanse from head to toe but seeing as her hair was not in its usual braids or weaves, she couldn't just wash it as she showered. Washing her natural hair was a routine that most times lasted 5-6 hours as she had to condition and hot-oil treat it. Hence why she only washed it once a week and preferably when she was at home.

Another 25 minutes later, Rebekka had gone through her night routine and was in her pyjamas. She climbed into the large double bed and snuggled under the warm cosy duvet hoping to be assailed by sleep immediately her head hit the pillow. However two hours and 20 minutes later she was nowhere near dreamland as her mind could not switch off for some reason. It was at that point that she realised the fatigue was more emotional than physical. So deciding to give up her fight with her bed, she decided to take a walk along the beach. Maybe some fresh air might clear her head enough for her to get an hour or two of sleep before morning.

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