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A/N: So finally found time and rediscovered my love for writing again this holiday that i decided to upload at least one long chapter. has so much fun writing this chapter although i do have to say, my skills have gone abit rusty due to not writing in ages..:D. so please do undertsand and enjoy.

ps: talking of rediscovering my love for stuff, the song on the side reminded me of one of the reasons why i decided to start writing this book in the first place...:D love her and her voice! ( if video cant load its : LEE MICHELLE: WITHOUT YOU)

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter twenty five

Min woo threw his keys on the glass coffee table that sat in the middle of the living room that was situated just as you entered into his presidential suit at oxford hotel. He then proceeded into the bedroom area where he threw his jacket on the large beige bed. His day had been so great that he had never felt as happy and optimistic about life as he did now. With a spring in his step, he quickly stepped into the shower. He usually didn't spend more than 5 minutes in the shower but for some reason the hot pounding water felt like a massage as it hit Min woo's tanned skin. When he felt fully refreshed, he stepped out the shower into his large bathroom with black marble floors. He grabbed a towel from the rail next to the shower and wrapped it around his lower half before walking towards the large mirrors at the sink area. He wiped off the light mist that must have formed as he showered. For a second, Min woo could not recognise the guy who started back at him. He seemed so... happy. He had a glint in his eyes that Min woo had not seen in years, and had forgotten that it even existed. The face that stared back at him seemed so young as well and the worry lines that had taken permanent residence on his forehead seemed to have gone on vacation. All in all, his mood had never been better. After analysing his reflection for about 5 mins, Min woo walked back into his huge master bedroom where he quickly changed into some cotton pyjamas before ordering room service for some white wine to compliment his happy mood. When the wine arrived he poured himself a glass, and walked onto the balcony of his room to take in the evening air. The land scape of Oxford sure did look beautiful in the night, he observed. He had stayed in so many hotels in so many cities but not once had he ever taken time to appreciate the views he got from his presidential suits, his head was always buried in one business contract or another. Now that he thought about, that was a shame. From now on he will try and take time to appreciate the beautiful things in life.


The shrill of the alarm woke Min woo up a lot earlier than he wanted. He must've forgotten to set it an hour later. Now that he was awake there was no going back to sleep because he had trained his body that way over the years. And besides the sun rays bursting through the blinds didn't look like they were going to back down anytime soon. So deciding to have an early start, he quickly jumped into the shower. After 20 minutes of assaulting his skin with 30 degrees water, his body seemed more than awake. He finished the rest of his morning routine and then proceeded to call for room service for breakfast. As he needed to be at the Burns' residence at 13:00 to help out with the vacation preparation, he decided to fill up the next 45 minutes by making a phone call back home before Mun hee missed him too much. And plus he had a lot of things to tell his best friend, so picking up the white small hotel phone, he went to stand at the same balcony he had stood on the previous night and he dialled the number he knew all so well. The phone rung for about two seconds before an anxious voice came on to the line,

"Yah!!!, eodiya? [Where are you?]" the force behind Mun hee's words was so strong that Min woo could feel it through the speaker.

"Aaaiiish, why are you trying to damage other people's ears!" Min woo's voice was playful knowing his friend's anxiety would only rise even more the longer he dragged it out.

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