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*pic of Mi-hi on the right

Chapter five

Rrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggg Excuse me, miss. I'm so sorry to disturb you, but it appears to be morning. Very inconvenient, I agree. I believe it is the rotation of the earth that is to blame."!!!!

"ouch! Okay I get it " Bekka really wished she could slam her hand down on the shrilling alarm clock. But the only thing that stopped her was 1. The fact that it's expensive. 2. Her mum bought for her and 3. Because the bloody think was expensive. So either way she would feel ubba guilty if she did. So opting for the less aggressive choice, she flung her duvet cover away and headed for her en suit bathroom. She was just grateful that today it was in English. She didn't think she would've been so reasonable. The alarm has different languages for each day, from Spanish to Hebrew to Swahili and ever since she bought it 8 months earlier, it had never repeat language. As she brushed her teeth she was still seething over the fact that her mum was forcing her to go to school that day. Yes she had only been in the school for 3&1/2 weeks but she already wanted to skive. At least things seemed to be getting better as days went by. Her first day had been a nightmare.


Immediately she had turned into the road that led to the school gate, her jaw had dropped. No seriously it had. "What kind of world do these kids live in?" She had muttered to herself in amazement. The gate stood magnificently over 50 yards away from her. The huge black bars with intricate curving of gold at the top (reminding her of Buckingham palace) were swag open to let chauffeur driven cars through. And they were loads of them all lined up like they would at a red carpet event. So when she got closer Rebekka was not surprised to see the red carpet that was rolled out leading to the entrance of what she presumed was the main building. Holding the 2 pairs of huge gates were four arched pillars made of stone that each had "Yongsan international Seoul school" written vertically. As student after student came out of their cars, Bekka started to feel a bit overwhelmed by it all. I guess she now understood how all those 'lost princess' in movies felt the first time they see their palaces. Right behind that feeling was one of inadequacy. Like she didn't belong there, in her small red car with no one to open her door for her among a sea of kids who looked like they had never done anything for themselves since they born. Rebekka had ignored all the emotions that had once again threatened to overtake her. She was getting so angry with herself, she had always been one who never dwelt on emotions but recently her emotions just never seemed to stay in check.

Whereas one gate was for limos, the other was for students who owned cars and going through it, there was a sign to her right that said student's car Park both in Korean and English. one of the benefits of going to an international school: they try to use as much English as possible! She thought to herself. The other benefit of going to an EXPENSIVE international school was that you didn't have to burn gallons of fuel driving round the car park in search of a parking spot. So she eased her baby into the first space she could see with ease and she got out. Considering that the main entrance was situated on the green-covered hill that faced her, there were not a lot of students in the park, which kind of scared Bekka into thinking she was late. However, she needn't have worried because immediately she ascended the steps that lead to the drive-way to the main entrance, Bekka saw a massive crowd of students: Some in small groups of 5-10- talking animatedly about god knows what, where as some just lazed about on the benches in the massive lawn around the huge main building. Bekka could also see that just like her some of the students didn't have uniform-another fact she loved about this school. Just like England, the sixth formers here were deemed mature enough to wear their own clothes. Everyone seemed so happy, and chilled out that Rebekka's steps slowed. As she stood at a distance, she felt like an outsider looking in. And it was then, that it really hit home, she didn't belong here. As if on Cue,

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