The Party 1

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(sorry for any typos and mistakes...didn't have time to read through properly...:D)

* picture of bekka's dress

*video of song.

chapter 12

It was just 7:45 when Rebekka made her way into the lobby of the hotel that the 'night out' was being held. It had taken her about two and half hours to get ready because she just couldn't decide what to wear. At first she had wanted to go with a casual outfit that showed that she couldn't care less about the party. But after reminding herself that this was in a sense her first official public gathering out of school, she decided to make more of an effort. I mean she wouldn't want to give Jessica and reason humiliate her because of her lack of fashion. In the end she had gone for a simple, white, twofer dress. It had a draped white v neck cut and fitted black and white striped skirt. To match that she put on a pair of bordello black and white platform shoes. Her jewelry was also restricted to the simple silver horse-shoe necklace that Rona had given her as a birthday present last year. Now as she handed over her coat to the doorman, she looked around the place taking in the intricate posh designs of the hotel. When Jessica had said night out, she had imagined a small gathering of about 10-20 people in a VIP area of some club with a few drinks. But she should've know that Jessica didn't do small. In fact the hotel was so big that Bekka didn't know what room the party was being held in. so as she kept on walking around trying to find the room, Bekka saw a group of laughing girls who were also dressed like they were heading for a party. When she saw them making a turn into the left corridor, she decided to follow. With every step she made she could hear the music getting louder and louder as well as the sound of chatter. After some time she found herself standing in front of a huge wide entrance looking over one of the biggest rooms she had ever seen and to her surprise the room was filled with loads of people. It seemed like the whole school was in attendance and they were all dressed to impress. There was no way Jessica could've set up this party in a night. Knowing the girl she had probably had it all planned the whole time, and the only thing that was left had been convincing Min woo to agree to it. The ground Rebekka now stood on was a few steps higher than the dance floor so she had a good view of most of the room and already she could see the self-proclaimed 'bell of the ball': Jessica!. Dressed in a long golden gown that touched the floor, the girl was standing in the middle of a group of girls and if her dramatic hand gestures were anything to go by, she was probably spinning the poor souls another lie about how she had met or even dined one celebrity or another in the recent past—trust me, she always did. Another sweep of the room enabled Rebekka to see a few more of her classmates before her eyes collided with none other than the man of the night himself. KIM MIN WOO. Darn! She had hoped to have some fun tonight before she had to confront him but it seemed like luck wasn't on her side today. In fact if she was not mistaken he was already making his way to her...oh crap, She didn't even have time or place to hide. So instead, she braced herself to face him. But she needn't have worried because when Min woo finally got to where she was standing, he didn't say a word. Rather he just stood, hands in his pockets, staring at her. Bekka could feel his eyes making a journey from her head to her toes and the look him them caused her toes to curl in her cute white shoes. The feeling was strange, but to her surprise and chagrin she liked it. Surprise because Min woo's gaze could make her feel like that and chagrin because min woo's gaze could make her feel like that. Bekka let a few more seconds pass before she started to feel a bit self-conscious so just like he had done the first time they had met, she cleared her throat. That seemed to catch his attention because in a flash he snapped out of his trance and managed to rearrange his facial expression in record to one that exuded smug confidence. The transformation was done so quick that Bekka actually thought she had imagined it. However she was not given enough time to dwell on the matter because that's when Min woo seemed to have regained his speech.

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