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A/N: hey guys, i know you all wondered what was in the letter in the last chapter, so just like i promised, here is chapter sixteen. its abit long but i just wanted to get alot in...:D

*On the right is the song that got me through a massive case of writers block. i love the song and her PLAYING and her VOICE...:D

Chapter Sixteen

Mi-hi POV

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Mi-hi was counting the seconds until the end of Korean history class when she heard a lot of shuffling going on around her. Looking away from the clock, she saw a rather flustered Nam biseo [secretary Nam] running into the classroom. 'Jigeum mueos-inga? [What is it now?]' she thought herself. Secretary Nam was always so dramatic about everything that she got on Mi-hi nerves every time she needed something from the reception. So ignoring the animated woman who was now speaking to the teacher, Mi-hi continued her count-down,

'1800, 1799, this lesson is going slow' Mi-hi thought to herself with a frustrated sigh. She was still trying to deal with her frustration when the teacher called her name.

"Ne seonsaengnim [yes teacher]"she replied trying her hardest cover up her frustration at being stuck in this room.

"Gyojangsil eul gaseo! [Go to the principal's office]"the woman said quite rudely in Mi-hi's opinion. I bet she also found the hysteric secretary-who was now standing at the door waiting for Mi-hi- rather annoying and irritating. I mean who wouldn't. So without another word, Mi-hi got out of her seat and made her way to the door with her head held high like she always did.

In primary school Mi-hi was one of the quite kids who always stayed in the shadow of her outgoing and quite popular twin. Because of her quietness people always thought her weird and rude that on occasions when her brother wasn't there to stick up for her, she got bullied a lot. This made her withdraw to herself even more. It was until that particular incident-which Mi-hi tried not to remember- that she decided enough was enough. She was tired of being bullied and being pushed around. No one had the right to make her feel inferior or scared because of who she was. She loved keeping to herself and she wasn't about to change that for anyone. So when Mi-hi got to high school, she turned into a completely different person. She made sure she did things her way and if anyone didn't like it she made sure to tell them where to stick it. She wasn't rude or violent but over the years, people came to realize not to mess with her and just accept her for who she was- well accept is a bit over ambitious, so let's say scared. Yep, every one stayed away from her and she liked it just like that. Of course there was also the fact that she had the famous Park Mun-hee as her brother and Kim min woo as a friend. In the past a lot of girls had even tried to befriend her in hope of getting close to her brother or even Kim min woo but they would soon get tired when they saw that Mi-hi could see through their fake smiles and worthless party invitations. As you can probably guess, that meant she was left with a lot of enemies, one of them being Jessica. Jessica had tried to befriend Mi-hi for over two years in hope of getting close to Min woo but when she saw that Mi-hi wasn't barging, she turned her anger into hate. But even with her stupidity Jessica was wise enough to know that messing with Mi-hi could be disastrous for her because it would anger Kim min woo and her chances of ever getting with him would go from zero to minus a thousand.

"Will you hurry up?" Nam biseo urged Mi-hi as the model-looking girl took her time.

"Uh, actually not really. I just bought this shoes and I don't want them to get ruined by not walking carefully" Mi-hi informed the petite lady. She never really went crazy about shoes but she just said it to get to the secretary's nerves. And it seemed to have worked as her comment earned her a deep glare, making Mi-hi smile inwardly. The rest of the journey to the principal's office was in silence until they reached the office door where Nam biseo knocked. After a muffled "come in" from the principal, Nam biseo opened the door and ushered Mi-hi through.

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