Apology Accepted - Real Life

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Here's the video that inspired it. . . Well the what was said in the end anyway 😏

-----> http://youtu.be/_N-aWidwD3k
-----> If you can view it then go to Skyvsgaming's YouTube channel and click on the one labeled 'GTA 5 PC Online Funny Moments - PIKACHU VS PROXIMITY MINES! (Custom Games)'

(It's really funny watch the whole thing XD Though Max and Barney were on the same Team for the sake of the story Max and Ross are on the same team. . . But I'm pretty sure it was that video I think. . . Oh well~. 😏)

Word Count: 1985 😳 •_•


*~ 3rd Person ~*

"I said 'I was sorry'." Ross told Max for the 5th time

"The one time I told you 'I believe in you' and you died not even a second later!" Max retorted as he unlocked their house door

Their roommates Barney and Corey were at the offices editing videos, so it was just them. KP (Kitty Purry) walked right in and purred loudly as a sign showing that she's happy to see them. Ross picked up the adorable cat and scratched her head as she purred in delight. Max on the other hand walked into the kitchen and began to heat some left overs for dinner. He let out a shaky sigh, rethinking about what had happened.

'It was a game I shouldn't have been so rough on him.' He thought to himself until he yelled out, "Ross get over here I made dinner!"

Ross walked into the kitchen and put KP down to feed her. Max took out the food and separated it in half on to different plates. Ross quietly thanked him and sat down, as did Max. Both men shared silence between one another as they ate their warmed up Papa John's Pizza and Mountain Dew. Max kept stealing glances off Ross and the other did the same. When Ross was finished, he got up and started to wash his plate once at the sink. But he decided to do the dishes since the others weren't going to do them. So he turned on the radio on the far end of the counter away from the sink. Max finished not to long after, but stayed sitting down as he watched the younger do the dishes. His ass and hips swayed a little to the beat.

'Damn it!' Max thought as he found himself standing behind Ross. His arms wrapped around the others waist, 'Well to hell with it now'.

"Ahh. . . M-Max?" Ross questioned as stopped washing the Barney cup

"Ross." Max cooed into his ear in a low and husky tone, "Dry yourself off and go to my room."

Max let go and walked off while Ross did as he was told, and quickly followed behind him quietly. Once he opened the door Ross stepped inside as Max closed the door and locked it quietly. Before he could speak, Max slammed his lips into the younger and started to kiss him gently. Ross, on the other hand, stood there out of shock at what was even going on. But the way the ginger's lips felt good against the light brunette's made him start to kiss back. Being human they separated for air and looked at one another. Eyes locked on to each other, neither saying a word.

"Ross why you have to be so damn adorable?" Max finally asked

"I-I don't know." Ross replied with a stutter as Max turned them around and sat down on his bed with Ross on his lap. The younger's face was now turning a brighter shade of red. He attempted to hide his face with his hands.

Max chuckled as he pulled Ross' hands from his face only to look into his eyes, "Don't be shy my little narwhal you have nothing to be shy about-." He stopped for a moment as he felt a growing sensation from the other. Max smirked as he placed his palm over the brunette's crotch and rubbed it gently, "Are you getting hard for me?"

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