Most Wanted - Fallout 4 AU

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2 parts in one day? Crazy right?!
Well this one is definitely smut

Fun Fact: I actually started working on this one before 'Bus Ride - HighSchool AU' came out haha. XD

Also this chapter shortly takes place after this video ^^^^ so I hope you guys like it. I tired my best to have their characters sorta show from the video as they did the 'deed'. If you haven't seen the series and I suggest you watch it on Skydoesminecraft channel's or if you have but miss the latest episode then you can watch it here or there, before continuing on.

(Or be like Max who doesn't give a damn and continue on. . . Ye.)

Word Count: 1869

*~ 3rd Person ~*


"You guys set up camp I'm going to go have a look around. So I'll be back after night fall." Sky told Max and Ross, "By the time I get back please get the camp up and no fighting."

"We can do that." Max replied just before Sky smiled

"Come on Okward lets go." Sky yelled to tall male and walked away

End of Flashback

Ross and Max sat on opposite sides of the fire, as they kept watch for their bounty hunter friend. Max was currently cleaning his gun while Ross watched the stars. The camp had been set up long ago, but they decided to stay awake. Through the corner of his eye, Ross could see the trigger happy ginger cleaning his gun flawlessly as if it was a delicate piece of art. The man seem intimidating to some but to him he looked other wise. The way his muscles flex made him feel butterflies, even when they first met.

"Stop staring at me." Max said piercing through Ross' train of thought, "Unless you want a bullet between your eyes."

"Do that then and you won't get your caps." Ross replied back calmly with a smirk. Max suddenly winced in pain as he dropped his gun. Ross whipped his head around and looked at the pain stricken ginger. "Are you all right?"

"It's nothing." Max replied as he rubbed his back forcefully

"Let me help." Ross chuckled as he got up and walked behind Max and placing his hands on his shoulders. The younger started to rub his back gently yet roughly at the same time.

"What the hell?! Get the fuck- Mmmmnh." Max softly moaned as Ross massage his shoulders and slowly down his back to where the pain was, "Lower. . . A little to the- ahh! Right there."

"So much tension." Ross smiled from under his mask as he found a way to take advantage of the situation. He let go and scooted away as he cooed, "Better?"

"Yeah. . . better. . . You didn't hear this from me, but thanks." Max replied as he shifted into a different sitting position as he used the big rock behind him as back support. He was now sitting where he faced the young marksman.

"My pleasure." Ross responded before looking back at the stars.

Unknowingly to Ross during their massage session, Max's pants started to get tighter but he didn't let it show.

"Fuck~." Max muttered as his 'problem' was becoming more visible.

"Problem?" Ross asked

"N-no I'm good." He stammered but cursed himself for stuttering like an idiot. But next thing he knew was that Ross sat in front of him and laid a hand on his knee, "Wh-."

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