Sick - Real Life

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This one was requested by CjMoxleyAmbrose 

Where Max is sick and Ross has to take care of him and this is a Real Life AU and Max has a cute sneeze as well(?)
But yeah I think that sums it up and I tried my best, so yeah I think it came out okay. :)



P.s The picture was inspired by a Netflix Doctor Who Marathon. I don't know how but yeah. Also please don't steal it I really worked hard on it.

P.s.s Gonna watch some of PeteZaHutt's stream before I hit the hay that's why I'm at. . . 2:18 in the morning ^^

P.s.s.s  GERONIMO!!

Word Count: 1304


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

"Max." I knocked on the door quietly, "Max you okay?"

"Ross?" I turned and saw TimTim and Corey looking back at me. TimTim continued, "Do you think he over slept? It's his turn to drive today."

"Maybe. I'll see." I turned back and reached for the knob. Turning it, I heard the small click, and opened the door. "Max?"

"Ross?" A voice croaked which was soon accompanied by coughing in the dark room. "Is that you?"

"Yes it's me." I replied as I advanced into the room and over to the side of the bed where Max normally sleeps on. Once there I looked down and saw him cuddling under the blankets. I placed a hand on his forehead, but quickly pulled back, "Jesus you're hot!" I shouted

He chuckled with a cough as he pulled me under the blankets with him, "Not as hot as you babe~." He whispered back as he softly stroked my hair with his cheek.

"Hey!" Corey called into the room as I quickly got out of his hold. He whined lowly as Corey continued, "Is everything okay in here?"

I grabbed the keys and walked out of the room. "Max is sick so I'll drop you guys off at work and take care of him."

They looked at me and TimTim asked, "You sure- I mean Adam wouldn't-."

"I'm sure so let me play mother duck and take care of my sick duckling." I replied with smile and they chuckled at comment.

"Alright. We'll wait in the car."

Splitting up, I walked back into the room. Now the real challenge. Getting my sick secret boyfriend ready and out the door.

-----> Time Skip with the Tardis :D <-----

Me and Max arrived back home after going to the local super market and drug store, about 2 hours ago. I forced him to take a nap and luckily he complied. It was actually kind of cute. Max had a little sneeze attack, and I have to say that his sneezes are adorable! Ohh anyway I got him some soup ingredients, top ramen, honey and lemon for his sore throat, and the cough medication. I even called Adam and told him the deal. Luckily him being a fangirl he agreed and wanted pictures of us cuddling. But I laughed and told him no. Those are mine. I got them boyfriend privileges. Currently I was making hearty fresh chicken noodle soup with diced chicken, angel hair, and with some carrots, peas, corn, and red chili pepper. I heard a sniffle and I turned to see Max. His ginger hair a mess, blanket draped on his shoulders, shirtless, and he only wore his boxers. He began to rub his eyes, signaling he just woke up from his nap.

Max shuffled closer to me, and with half opened eyes he asked, "What are you making?" He sniffed but pouted, "I wish I could smell it."

"Don't worry you'll love the taste." I replied with a smile, "Now go and take your cold medicine and some Advil to help with the headache."

"You're the best babe." He smiled as he nuzzled the side of my head as a substituted for a kiss. Which caused me the chuckle. I let a sigh slip through my lips as I poured him and myself a bowl of the soup. Juggling both bowls I went to the dinning room and sat them on the table. I saw him sitting there ready with a fork and spoon. Quickly I went to the freezer and came back with a few ice cubes. I put 3 in his bowl and 3 in mine.

"Careful it's hot." I warned him as he just smiled at me before carefully taking a bite.

"Mmmmmm." He mumbled as he dove right in while I took my time. During this time we shared a comfortable silence. Though he did get up several times to get more and to make himself tea. "You're the best cook ever Ross." I looked up and saw him sipping on his tea, his eyes growing heavy.

Quickly I rushed to his side and picked him up with one arm around my shoulder, "Nope you are not getting 3rd degree burns while sick." I grunted as I took him back to his room. Laying him on his bed, I tucked him in, and sighed. But I felt something wrap around my waist and pull me back over to the bed.

"Babe!" My sick ginger boyfriend whined, "D-don't leave. . . please!" He pulled me under the covers and wrapped his arms around my waist. His head resting on my stomach practically, while my head on laid on the pillows. Max snuggled closer, "You're so warm, Ross~." He moaned a little

"I need to get up and clean up the mess in the kitchen." I said as I tired to maneuver my way out. "Besides I can't get sick."

"Fine." He pouted as was now at my eye level in bed. Max cupped my face and touched our noses together, before nuzzled in the crook of my neck. "Ross~."

"I love you, Max. But no." I replied as I rolled out of bed and he groaned a little from the action. I tucked him into bed and kissed him on the forehead, "If you're still awake then I'll cuddle with you." He nodded his head eagerly in agreement. I chuckled and left the room, and quietly closed the door.

-----> ANOTHER Time Skip with the Tardis :D <-----

A few hours later - 6pm

*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

I woke up feeling better then ever. Even as I took the medicine Ross left for me on my nightstand. I stood up and left my room.

"Ross?" I called as I looked around the apartment, "Babe I think I feel better now and-." Stopping in my tracks I saw him laying on the couch. KP was laying in front of him as well, purring softly as her tail swung back an forth. A smirk crawled on my face as I gently removed KP. She hissed but walked off. I picked him up, cradling in my arms as I went to take him to my room.

"Hey!" Yelled a cheery voice. I turned to see Corey and TimTim standing in the doorway. Corey continued, "Mother Duck took care of you?" He pointed at Ross.

"Yep." I replied as I popped the 'p' before continuing on to my room.

"Wait aren't you gonna take Ross to his room?" TimTim asked

"Nope." I replied as I looked at them popping the 'p' once more


"Look my bed is more comfortable. He's been on his feet all day. So goodnight gentlemen I'll see you in the morning." I replied as I closed the door behind me before they could even speak. I locked it and walked over to my bed. Laying him down carefully, I pulled the blanket over us as I quickly laid beside him. Ross snuggled deeper into my chest as I kissed the top on his head. With sleep slowly taking its hold over me as well, I hugged him tighter, mumbled softly,

"Thank you so much babe. . . For everything."

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